SK & POSCO 포스코 Cop 사례

 1  SK & POSCO 포스코 Cop 사례-1
 2  SK & POSCO 포스코 Cop 사례-2
 3  SK & POSCO 포스코 Cop 사례-3
 4  SK & POSCO 포스코 Cop 사례-4
 5  SK & POSCO 포스코 Cop 사례-5
 6  SK & POSCO 포스코 Cop 사례-6
 7  SK & POSCO 포스코 Cop 사례-7
 8  SK & POSCO 포스코 Cop 사례-8
 9  SK & POSCO 포스코 Cop 사례-9
 10  SK & POSCO 포스코 Cop 사례-10
 11  SK & POSCO 포스코 Cop 사례-11
 12  SK & POSCO 포스코 Cop 사례-12
 13  SK & POSCO 포스코 Cop 사례-13
 14  SK & POSCO 포스코 Cop 사례-14
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SK & POSCO 포스코 Cop 사례에 대한 자료입니다.

1 Introduction
2 Background of POSCO
3 Background of SK
4 Analyses
4.1 Similarities
4.2 Differences
4.3 Advantages of POSCO
4.4 Disadvantages of POSCO
4.5 Advantages of SK
4.6 Disadvantages of SK
5 Conclusions
6 References
4.1 Similarities

Refine knowledges based on on-site practice

Provision of knowledge mileage and Q&A

Managing knowledge through an expert (Q&A information selection)

-The common features between SK and Posco are that the both refine information based on on-site practice and provide knowledge mileage and Q&A. Additionally both Posco Knowledge and SK provide Knowledge119 and K-marketplace service through internal professionals. In case of SK a convenient service within system structure in which user can enrol a knowledge to the library via chattering field in the community is provided. If a knowledge is passed to K-map then knowledge experts determine whether to register the knowledge as an information in the library and if so the information is open to other staff. Information is chosen through such filtering.

4.2 Differences

Processing focused (on-demand)
-Since the most products are produced through orders operation is focuesed on processing.

Odering corporation in which internal staff are distincted from external staff.
-Knowledges from internal staff can be suggestted to be registered in KMS while those of external company or supplier are not registered.

Result focused (solution pack)
-SK processes core information accumulated within the systematic Cop into a package fitted to customers’ needs. Through such package one
[1]한국지식경영학회.2007,1.포스코 : Cop와 혁신시스템의 연계 ; 경영혁신의 Infra: POSCO Cop 발전사례.지식경영 학술심포지움 18권
[2]이강우.2007,1.(주)SK : CoP를 통한 문제해결 그리고 지식자산화 ; SK(주)의 CoP 사례.지식경영 학술심포지움 18권
[3]한국데이터베이스진흥센터.2006,8. 지식정보 이슈보고서,제 1 편:CoP 활동을 통한 대기업과 중소기업간 지식격차 해소.
[4]매경이코노미.2004.10. 지식경영 성공사례-Posco
[5]매경이코노미.2004.10. 지식경영 성공사례-SK
[6]내일신문.2010,4. SK그룹, 기술수출로 새로운 가치 창출한다
[7]매일경제.2010.5. 포스코 용광로엔 세가지 녹아있다
[8]매일경제.2008.12.포스코, 지식愛너지 넘쳐나는 직원
[9]EBN산업뉴스.2007.4.[포스코선진경영]QSS와 학습동아리에 ‘푹’(下)
[10]파이낸셜뉴스.2006.8.SK “지식 팔아요”
[11]Posco 뉴스
[12]Posco global cop, ttp://

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