[도시행정론] 월드컵 공원(영문)

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자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
[도시행정론] 월드컵 공원(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
I. Introduction

II. Case Analysis
1. Nanjido Park
2. Purpose of establishing
3. Foundation Course
1) How to construct the park on the landfill
2) History of worldcup park
3) Establishing the World Cup Stadium
4) Budget of establishment of World Cup Stadium
5) Conflict & Conflict mediation
4. Present Condition
1) Organization
2) Income Tax
3) Outcome Tax
5. Effects
1) Advantages
2) Disadvantages

Ⅲ. Conclusion

Ⅳ. Reference List
Ⅴ. Additional data
1. Executive summary
2. Power point slide used in presentation
Ⅳ. Reference List
3. Foundation course
1) How to construct the park on the landfill
To solve the environmental problem caused by a waste disposal site in NanJiDo, Seoul city government started the construction to stabilize the environment in NanjiDo like these ways: 'landfill cover soil' construction in upper part of ground -> be smooth down the slope -> leachate disposal facility -> landfill gas disposal facility
2) History of worldcup park
Before1978 used for field-farming before landfill
1978.3.18 allow to a plan that waste disposal site
1993.3.19 closedown the waste disposal site
1996.12.31 start the construction of stabilize the disposal site
2000.11.11 start the World cup park construction
2002.5.1 open the worldcup park
3) Establishing the World Cup Stadium
Establishment of World Cup Stadium reflected 'sustainable development' which means interdependence between natural and men.
4) Budget of establishment of World Cup Park
235billion won (Perfection 1450.5billion, Park composing 94.5 billion)







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