[정신건강] 조울증(bipolar disorder)

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 12  [정신건강] 조울증(bipolar disorder)-12
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자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
[정신건강] 조울증(bipolar disorder)에 대한 자료입니다.

1. Definition
1) Mania
2) Depression

2. Symptoms
1) Manic state
2) Depressive state
3) Mixed state

3. Diagnosis
1) Bipolar I Disorder-Diagnostic Features
2) Bipolar II Disorder-Diagnostic Features
3) Criteria for Major Depressive Episode
4) Criteria for Manic Episode
5) Criteria for Mixed Episode

4. Prevalence

5. Etiology
1) Biological factors
2) Psychological factors
3) Life events and experiences

6. Treatment
1) Medication treatment for bipolar disorder
2) Therapy for bipolar disorder: An important part of treatment
3) Complementary treatments for bipolar disorder

7. Reference site
E. The symptoms are not better accounted for by bereavement, i.e., after the loss of a loved one, the symptoms persist for longer than 2 months or are characterized by marked functional impairment, morbid preoccupation with worthlessness, suicidal ideation, psychotic symptoms, or psychomotor retardation.

4) Criteria for Manic Episode
A. A distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood, lasting at least 1 week (or any duration if hospitalization is necessary).

B. During the period of mood disturbance, three (or more) of the following symptoms have persisted (four if the mood is only irritable) and have been present to a significant degree:

① inflated self-esteem or grandiosity ② decreased need for sleep (e.g., feels rested after only 3 hours of sleep) ③ more talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking ④ flight of ideas or subjective experience that thoughts are racing ⑤ distractibility
(i.e., attention too easily drawn to unimportant or irrelevant external stimuli) ⑥ increase in goal-directed activity
(either socially, at work or school, or sexually) or psychomotor agitation ⑦ excessive involvement in pleasurable activities that have a high potential for
painful consequences (e.g., engaging in unrestrained buying sprees,
sexual indiscretions, or foolish business investments)
C. The symptoms do not meet criteria for a Mixed Episode.

D. The mood disturbance is sufficiently severe to cause marked impairment in
7. Reference site

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