[마케팅전략] 옹기인삼 초콜릿 마케팅 전략

 1  [마케팅전략] 옹기인삼 초콜릿 마케팅 전략-1
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 3  [마케팅전략] 옹기인삼 초콜릿 마케팅 전략-3
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 13  [마케팅전략] 옹기인삼 초콜릿 마케팅 전략-13
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[마케팅전략] 옹기인삼 초콜릿 마케팅 전략에 대한 자료입니다.

Chapter1. Introduction
Theme1. Company Outline
□ Introduction of Corporation
□ Company History
□ Background in Establishment
□ Objective of Business

Theme2. Analysis of Market
□ National Environment
□ Foreign Environment

Chapter2. Marketing Strategy
Theme1. SWOT
Theme2. STP
□ Segmentation & Targeting
□ Positioning

Theme3. 4P
□ Product
□ Price
□ Promotion
□ Place

Chapter3. Overall Evaluation
Theme1. Evaluation of Bonjung
Theme2. The Future of Bonjung
Theme3. Conclusion

Chapter4. Reference
□ Objective of Business
○ Globalization of our traditional product
In the environmental friendly pottery there are chocolates which have an oriental taste and traditional packaging that appeal to the foreigners. It has been developed as a tourist product which would give a sense of our culture through the product and packaging to bring in the foreign wealth. Also through Korean ginseng and pottery forums, tourists, and foreign chocolate stores would help in promoting and globalizing the traditional product.

○ Producing products for consumer health
Chocolate is made when more than 20% of the cocoa bean and cocoa mass is included in the product. So Korean chocolate companies only focused on providing a sweet taste by adding food addictive like sugar and have lured consumers into buying harmful food. Bonjung has created chocolate without any harmful food addictive and used only natural substances as ingredients which were imported to other countries and have been getting interesting feedbacks. By enlivening the true chocolate taste and Asian oriental ginseng taste, Bonjung is trying hard to enhance consumer satisfaction and improve quality which would eventually help in competition with others.

○ Development of traditional structure of industry through product development
Through the establishment of research centers Bonjung developed various applied product and compound product which opened ways to a new development of traditional structure of the industry. It has also shares its research with other agricultural sectors to open diverse doors and promotes inspection for products to strengthen product competitiveness which would consequently increase the profits of agricultural sector.

□ 참고문헌
옹기 인삼 초콜렛 사업 추진 계획서, 본정 대표 이종태
벤처농업 미래가 보인다, 삼성 경제 연구소
본정 이종태 CEO와의 전화 통화 인터뷰 & 이메일
2008 외래 관광객 실태조사, 한국 관광 공사
본정 홈페이지 http://www.bonjung.com/

□ 신문기사
2000.01.01 조선일보, 인삼성분을 가미한 초콜릿을 전통옹기에
2000.01.12 동아주간인물, 본정(本情)의 이종태 대표를 만나다.
2000.05.29 연합뉴스, 지역 종특산품인 인삼을 주원료로 한 초콜릿
2000.07.07 MBC 고향은 지금, 인삼과 초콜릿의 찰떡궁합
2000.08.31 동아일보, 본정 - 전통식품 세계화 품평회 선물용품부문에서 국무총리상(금상) 수상
2000.08.31 충청일보, 동양의 신비로운 맛을 창출하는 옹기인삼초콜릿
2008.03.17 한겨레, 달콤함에 사랑까지 함께 전합니다
2008.10.13 중부매일, 기획 충북의 브랜드 - 본정
2009.02.10 중소기업신문, 본정 - 달콤한 초콜릿의 대한민국 성공 스토리?
2009.02.11 중소기업신문, 본정의 수제 초콜릿 어떻게 만들어 질까?
2009.04.20 충청 투데이, ‘본정’ 브랜드를 전국 물론 국제적 벤처로 성장시킬터 ·
2009.04.20 충청 투데이, ‘한국식 퓨전 초콜릿’ 세계 입맛을 유혹
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