[영양학] 체중 조절 계획(영문)

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[영양학] 체중 조절 계획(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
We’ll see 5 parts of clients, body condition, fitness level, disease, diet, life pattern.

This is the basic body condition. Height, weight, body fat, waist to hip ratio, and metabolic rate. Both women’s BMI figures are normal but body fat is high level. And M woman is abdominal obesity, G woman has pear shaped body.

Next slide is about fitness level. We checked her fitness level, strength, power, muscle endurance, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility through these several test. M woman works out usually so her cardiovascular endurance level is relatively high. G woman has no exercise habits, but her strength is relatively high due to vigorous activity level and flexibility level is low.

We checked M woman’s health status through health screening. Looking at the table, her abdominal obesity, fasting blood glucose, HDL cholesterol, Triglycerides figures are on the boundary level. These are typical early stage of metabolic syndrome.

복합순환운동이 과체중 및 비만 여중생의 신체조성, 체력 및 대사증후군
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12주간의 유산소 운동이 대사증후군 관련 질환 상태에 따라 신체구성,
대사증후군 요소, 동맥 경직도에 미치는 영향 . 이윤미 외 2인. 2010.

신체활동과 대사증후군. 강현식 . 2007.

The influence of thermic effect of food on safety . crovetii,R., et al .1998


스포츠영양학 제6판. Melvin H. Williams . 2003.

비만 제로 . 이의준 . 2008

복부비만 없애는 식습관의 비밀. 존 브리파. 2011.
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