친환경 건축물 인증(LEED) 이용자 만족도 분석 및 실내 환경 발전방향 고찰(영문)

 1  친환경 건축물 인증(LEED) 이용자 만족도 분석 및 실내 환경 발전방향 고찰(영문)-1
 2  친환경 건축물 인증(LEED) 이용자 만족도 분석 및 실내 환경 발전방향 고찰(영문)-2
 3  친환경 건축물 인증(LEED) 이용자 만족도 분석 및 실내 환경 발전방향 고찰(영문)-3
 4  친환경 건축물 인증(LEED) 이용자 만족도 분석 및 실내 환경 발전방향 고찰(영문)-4
 5  친환경 건축물 인증(LEED) 이용자 만족도 분석 및 실내 환경 발전방향 고찰(영문)-5
 6  친환경 건축물 인증(LEED) 이용자 만족도 분석 및 실내 환경 발전방향 고찰(영문)-6
 7  친환경 건축물 인증(LEED) 이용자 만족도 분석 및 실내 환경 발전방향 고찰(영문)-7
 8  친환경 건축물 인증(LEED) 이용자 만족도 분석 및 실내 환경 발전방향 고찰(영문)-8
 9  친환경 건축물 인증(LEED) 이용자 만족도 분석 및 실내 환경 발전방향 고찰(영문)-9
 10  친환경 건축물 인증(LEED) 이용자 만족도 분석 및 실내 환경 발전방향 고찰(영문)-10
 11  친환경 건축물 인증(LEED) 이용자 만족도 분석 및 실내 환경 발전방향 고찰(영문)-11
 12  친환경 건축물 인증(LEED) 이용자 만족도 분석 및 실내 환경 발전방향 고찰(영문)-12
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친환경 건축물 인증(LEED) 이용자 만족도 분석 및 실내 환경 발전방향 고찰(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
Ⅰ. Introduction

1. Study background and objectives
2. Study scope and methodology

Ⅱ. Literature review

1. Environmentally friendly construction
1.1. Conceptions and Traits of Eco-friendly Construction
1.2. Current State
2. LEED certification
2.1. Concept of LEED
2.2. Types of LEED certification.
2.3. LEED grade classification
2.4 Detailed evaluation item of LEED

Ⅲ. Design of study
1. Research models and hypothesis setting
2. Data collection and analysis methods

Ⅳ. Data analysis
1. General characteristics of selected buildings
2. Comparing occupants’ satisfaction of LEED certified building and non-certified building
3. Analysis of correlation with occupants’ satisfaction and certification score
4. Analysis of satisfaction with LEED certified buildings and non-certified building

Ⅳ. Conclusion

Ⅰ. Introduction

1. Study background and objectives

Recently, due to environmental pollution and climate change, attention to environment is more growing than ever. Especially, buildings form 40% of energy and resource consumption, 30-40% of carbon dioxide emission, 20-25% of waste discharge, 17% of water consumption, and 25% of wood consumption, so buildings are mainly responsible for energy consumption. In this situation, buildings in cities had been given environmental responsibility that can suggest 'new architectural alternative' in aspect of decreasing resource consumption and waste discharge. And in this process, the concept of green building appeared. One of these alternatives, green building certification was actively developed and carried out in each countries.
The United States established US Green Building Council (USGBC) in 1993 for pursuing the sustainability of buildings and construction industry, designed buildings and communities that can give environment improving quality of life and presented LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification program considering environment and social in 2000. Besides, BREEAM in the United Kingdom, CASBEE in Japan etc. are made and practiced considering own countries. Accordingly, Korea have developed and practiced GBCC (Green Building Certification Criteria) from 2002, and 3330 buildings in Korea were acquired GBCC certification until Oct 2013. Also from 2009 to Oct 2013. 39 buildings in Korea were acquired LEED certification.
But, there are many problems of certification with the rate of attention and demand. First, certification can’t involve the process of use, because it is only given by the initial building design. So they have problem that can’t control environmental quality level change by utilizing of occupants. Also, they concentrate to physical factors for securement of environmental-friendly materials and skills and overlook the aspect of users in criteria. Like this, Green Building Certification have overlooked the users and process of using.
From these problems, this study will conduct investigation of occupants' satisfaction for studying focusing on users and indoor environment that greatly effect to users. Through this study, first, we will compare and analyze between LEED indoor environmental score of buildings and occupants' satisfaction, and research about the correlation between criteria and satisfaction. Second, we will compare and analyze between satisfaction of LEED buildings and non LEED building’s, and research effectiveness of LEED certification. As a result, we will suggest development to indoor environment of green office buildings for more human.
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