영문 Grizzly Man 그리즐리 맨 영화 대사

 1  영문 Grizzly Man 그리즐리 맨 영화 대사-1
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 20  영문 Grizzly Man 그리즐리 맨 영화 대사-20
※ 미리보기 이미지는 최대 20페이지까지만 지원합니다.
  • 분야
  • 등록일
  • 페이지/형식
  • 구매가격
  • 적립금
  • 레포트 > 독후감
  • 2015.05.29
  • 100페이지 / hwp
  • 4,000원
  • 120원 (구매자료 3% 적립)
자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
영문 Grizzly Man 그리즐리 맨 영화 대사에 대한 자료입니다.
Grizzly Man Script
Im out in the prime cut
of the big green.
Behind me is Ed and Rowdy, members
of an up-and-coming subadult gang.
Theyre challenging everything, including me.
Goes with the territory.
If I show weakness,
if I retreat,
I may be hurt,
I may be killed.
I must hold my own
if Im gonna stay within this land.
For once there is weakness,
they will exploit it, they will take me out,
they will decapitate me,
they will chop me into bits and pieces.
Im dead.
But so far, I persevere.
Most times
Im a kind warrior out here.
Most times, I am gentle,
I am like a flower,
Im like... Im like
a fly on the wall,
observing, noncommittal,
noninvasive in any way.
Occasionally I am challenged.
And in that case,
the kind warrior must,
must, must become a samurai.
Must become so,
so formidable,
so fearless of death,
so strong
that he will win, he will win.
Even the bears will believe
that you are more powerful.
And in a sense
you must be more powerful
if you are to survive in this land
with the bear.
No one knew that.
No one ever friggin knew
that there are times when my life
is on the precipice of death
and that these bears can bite,
they can kill.
And if I am weak,
I go down.
I love them with all my heart.
I will protect them.
I will die for them, but I will not die
at their claws and paws.
I will fight. I will be strong.
Ill be one of them.
I will be... the master.
But still a kind warrior.
Love you, Rowdy.
Give it to me, baby.
Thats what Im talkin about.
Thats what Im talkin about.
Thats what Im talkin about.
I can smell death
all over my fingers.
All these majestic creatures were filmed
by Timothy Treadwell
who lived among wild grizzlies
for summers.
He went to remote areas
of the Alaskan peninsula
believing that
he was needed there
to protect these animals
and educate the public.
During his last five years
out there,
he took along a video camera
and shot over hours
of footage.
What Treadwell intended was to show
these bears in their natural habitat.
Having myself filmed
in the wilderness of jungles,
I found that beyond
the wildlife film,
in his material lay
dormant a story
of astonishing beauty
and depth.
I discovered a film
of human ecstasies
and darkest inner turmoil.
As if there was
a desire in him
to leave the confinements
of his humanness
and bond with the bears,
Treadwell reached out,
seeking a primordial encounter.
But in doing so, he crossed
an invisible borderline.
Go back and play.
Go ahead back. Go back.
Go back.
This is a subadult.
And this is what happens to them.
They work together,
and they get really powerful.
As you can see,
Im just feet away.
You just relax.
You just relax.
Hes now moving away from me.
Ive now proven myself as being able to hold
my ground and therefore earning their respect.
This is Rowdy, the bear.
And hes rowdy.
Hes gettin bigger.
Knew him from... He was a little dot
a couple of years ago.
Hes gettin to be a big boy.
Anyway, were doing just fine.
But that was a challenge,
and you have to remain cool
in the challenge, in the moment.
If you dont, youre dead.
They can kill. They can bite.
They can decapitate.
Excuse me. Hey.
Its okay, its okay. Its okay.
I didnt mean to get in your way.
Wow. Its okay.
Youre the boss.
Nice job. Wow! Nice job.
I gotta think, he was over ten-feet high,
dont you?
Hes a big bear!
Hes a big bear!
A very big bear! Wow!
Anyway, hes over here
Hes a big bear!
The excitement Treadwell felt
connected him immediately
with children.
In his campaign
to create awareness,
he reached thousands and thousands
of school children
who would remember
his fabulous storytelling
as one of the highlights
of their school years.
He took his mission
so seriously
that he never solicited for a fee.
Over time, he reached the status
of a national celebrity.
Timothy Treadwell is crazy
about grizzly bears.
How crazy? Sometimes...
It was as if he had become a star
by virtue of his own invention.
I would be within
the physical presence of bears
hours a day
for months at a time.
This is... crazy.
This is nuts.
These are the most dangerous animals
on the face of the earth.
- Well...
- And you want to go
and put yourself in harms way
hours a day?
I think theyve been misunderstood.
How can I believe that if you are
about to be killed by a bear,
that you wouldnt say, "I made a mistake.
Id like to have a gun"?
I would never, ever kill a bear
in defense of my own life.
Would not go into a bears home
and kill a bear.
One day, I came home
and I was sitting on my patio.
My wife was in the bedroom
with the TV on.
And I heard her scream.
And I thought
shed fallen or something.
I came in and she was sitting
on the edge of the bed,
staring at the television.
I looked at the television,
and I saw Timmys face.
I hadnt heard the sound
or the news yet,
but I knew just by seeing
Timmys face on TV
and hearing
my wifes reaction,
that the worst had happened.
Not necessarily a surprise,
but... the worst.
I never have days
when I grieve for Timmy
as I have with other frien
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