학술논문 > 어문학 > 언어학
VOT and F0 Variation in Korean Stops: Measurements and Probing a Sociolinguistic View
( Ponghyung Lee )  서강대학교 언어정보연구소, 언어와 정보사회 [2019] 제38권 383~412페이지(총30페이지)
This study devotes itself to exploring the variation of acoustic correlates associated with the Korean stop phonation. Since the seminal work of Lisker and Abramson (1964), acoustic and articulatory measurements for the laryngeal settings for the ternary distinctions of tense, lax and aspirated stop...
TAG VOT, F0, phonation, sociolinguistic variation, Korean stops
재한 우즈베키스탄 노동자의 직장 상사와의 갈등 극복에 관한 연구
갈라노바딜노자 ( Kalanova Dilnoza ) , 박미숙 ( Park Misuk )  한국언어문화교육학회, 언어와 문화 [2019] 제15권 제4호, 103~129페이지(총27페이지)
This study devotes itself to exploring the variation of acoustic correlates associated with the Korean stop phonation. Since the seminal work of Lisker and Abramson (1964), acoustic and articulatory measurements for the laryngeal settings for the ternary distinctions of tense, lax and aspirated stop...
TAG Uzbekistan Worker, 우즈베키스탄 노동자, superior at work, 직장 상사, organizational culture, 조직 문화, conflict factor, 갈등 요인, conflict resolution, 갈등 극복
Remarks on the Variability of Island-(In)sensitivity in Right Dislocation: Toward a Processing Account
( Bum-sik Park )  한국외국어대학교 언어연구소, 언어와 언어학 [2019] 제86권 53~84페이지(총32페이지)
This study devotes itself to exploring the variation of acoustic correlates associated with the Korean stop phonation. Since the seminal work of Lisker and Abramson (1964), acoustic and articulatory measurements for the laryngeal settings for the ternary distinctions of tense, lax and aspirated stop...
TAG right dislocation, island-sensitivity, island effect, fragments, processing, ellipsis, island-repair
언어 정보의 계량화와 시각화: 감성 어휘의 분포 의미 표현
조은경 ( Jo Eun-kyoung )  서강대학교 언어정보연구소, 언어와 정보사회 [2019] 제38권 413~436페이지(총24페이지)
This study devotes itself to exploring the variation of acoustic correlates associated with the Korean stop phonation. Since the seminal work of Lisker and Abramson (1964), acoustic and articulatory measurements for the laryngeal settings for the ternary distinctions of tense, lax and aspirated stop...
TAG linguistic information, distributional semantics, sentiment lexicon, word embedding, visualisation, 언어 정보, 분포 의미, 감성 어휘, 단어 임베딩, 시각화
한국어 학습 환경에 따른 ‘칭찬 반응 화행’ 전략 사용 양상 연구 -KSL, KFL 환경에서의 베트남인 대학생 한국어 학습자를 중심으로-
박소연 ( Park Soyeon )  한국언어문화교육학회, 언어와 문화 [2019] 제15권 제4호, 131~162페이지(총32페이지)
This study devotes itself to exploring the variation of acoustic correlates associated with the Korean stop phonation. Since the seminal work of Lisker and Abramson (1964), acoustic and articulatory measurements for the laryngeal settings for the ternary distinctions of tense, lax and aspirated stop...
TAG Speech acts, 화행, Compliment, 칭찬, Compliment response, 칭찬 반응, Korean as a Foreign Language, KFL, Korean as a Second Language, KSL
영논항의 pro(영대명사) 분석 재고
안희돈 ( Hee-don Ahn ) , 조성은 ( Sungeun Cho )  한국외국어대학교 언어연구소, 언어와 언어학 [2019] 제86권 85~112페이지(총28페이지)
This study devotes itself to exploring the variation of acoustic correlates associated with the Korean stop phonation. Since the seminal work of Lisker and Abramson (1964), acoustic and articulatory measurements for the laryngeal settings for the ternary distinctions of tense, lax and aspirated stop...
TAG null arguments, pro, argument ellipsis, strict interpretation, sloppy(-like) interpretation, 영논항, 영대명사, 논항생략, 엄밀지시해석, (유사)이완지시해석
한국어(KSL) 읽기 교재개발 방안 연구 -이주 배경 예비중학생 중급-
이명엽 ( Lee Myeongyeop )  한국언어문화교육학회, 언어와 문화 [2019] 제15권 제4호, 163~182페이지(총20페이지)
This study devotes itself to exploring the variation of acoustic correlates associated with the Korean stop phonation. Since the seminal work of Lisker and Abramson (1964), acoustic and articulatory measurements for the laryngeal settings for the ternary distinctions of tense, lax and aspirated stop...
TAG a Korean reading textbook, 한국어읽기교재, immigrant background youth, 이주배경청소년, a complex variable, 복합변인, a mixed syllabus, 혼합교수요목, a functional separating type, 기능분리형
Licensing of a Korean Honorific si and Its Scalarity
( Youngeun Yoon )  한국외국어대학교 언어연구소, 언어와 언어학 [2019] 제86권 113~141페이지(총29페이지)
This study devotes itself to exploring the variation of acoustic correlates associated with the Korean stop phonation. Since the seminal work of Lisker and Abramson (1964), acoustic and articulatory measurements for the laryngeal settings for the ternary distinctions of tense, lax and aspirated stop...
TAG Korean honorific si, subject honorification, nonhuman surface subject honorification, indirect licensing of si, scalarity of licensing, hearer honorification
일본어권 학습자를 위한 한국어 번역교육 고찰 -한국어 통·번역 교육과정을 중심으로-
임형재 ( Lim Hyungjae ) , 우메무라마유미 ( Umemura Mayumi )  한국언어문화교육학회, 언어와 문화 [2019] 제15권 제4호, 183~208페이지(총26페이지)
This study devotes itself to exploring the variation of acoustic correlates associated with the Korean stop phonation. Since the seminal work of Lisker and Abramson (1964), acoustic and articulatory measurements for the laryngeal settings for the ternary distinctions of tense, lax and aspirated stop...
TAG Translation Education, 번역교육, Korean Translation Education, 한국어 번역교육, Current Status, 현황, Postgraduate School, 대학원, Japan, 일본
“괜찮다”의 의미 항목에 관한 연구
조영보 ( Cho Youngbo )  한국언어문화교육학회, 언어와 문화 [2019] 제15권 제4호, 209~234페이지(총26페이지)
This study devotes itself to exploring the variation of acoustic correlates associated with the Korean stop phonation. Since the seminal work of Lisker and Abramson (1964), acoustic and articulatory measurements for the laryngeal settings for the ternary distinctions of tense, lax and aspirated stop...
TAG Gwaenchanhda, 괜찮다, Corpus, 말뭉치, Corpus analysis, 말뭉치 분석, Meaningful items, 의미항목, Polysemy, 다의어
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