발행기관 : 한국국방연구원 AND 간행물명 : Korean journal of defense analysis859 개 논문이 검색 되었습니다.
Aircraft Carrier Balancing in Northeast Asia and South Korean Carrier Program: Power, Threat, and Function
( Kil Joo Ban )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2021] 제33권 제1호, 43~65페이지(총23페이지)
TAG balance of power, balance of threat, aircraft carrier domino, Northeast Asia, functional balance, South Korea
The Transition of Wartime Operational Control for Entering a New Era
( Kyung-young Chung )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2021] 제33권 제1호, 67~94페이지(총28페이지)
TAG conditions-based OPCON Transition Plan, COTP, strategic flexibility, self-reliant national defense, The Future Combined Forces Command, United Nations Command
Capabilities-Based “Confusion”: Why Capabilities-Based Planning Systems Struggle
( Thomas-durell Young )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2021] 제33권 제1호, 95~118페이지(총24페이지)
TAG defense planning, capability analysis, capabilities-based planning, defense economics, capability partitions, threat-based planning
Analysis of Electronic Warfare Capability of the People’s Liberation Army Strategic Support Force (PLASSF): Its Impacts and Implications on Korean Security
( Nam Tae Park ) , ( Changhyung Lee ) , ( Soyeon Kim )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2021] 제33권 제1호, 119~140페이지(총22페이지)
TAG People’s Liberation Army Strategic Support Force, PLASSF, electronic warfare, the Network Systems Department of the PLASSF, Korean security, electronic intelligence
Democracy and Diversionary Conflict: External Transparency and Domestic Constraints
( Sung Chul Jung )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2021] 제33권 제1호, 141~163페이지(총23페이지)
TAG diversionary conflict, external transparency, domestic constraints, democracy, strategic interaction
Conceptualizing and Framing Economic Security?: The Case of 30 Year Russian-Korean Security Relations Tested
( Se Hyun Ahn )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2021] 제33권 제1호, 165~183페이지(총19페이지)
TAG Russia, South Korea, economic security, security, securitization, energy, transport, railway, fishery, Trans-Siberian Railroad, Trans-Korean Railroad
Strengthening Multi-Domain Deterrence and Defense in the Asia-Pacific Region
( Richard Weitz )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2020] 제32권 제4호, 495~516페이지(총22페이지)
TAG nuclear, missile, precision-strike, conventional, hypersonic, space, cyber, Russia, China
U.S. Coercive Diplomacy toward Pyongyang: Obama vs. Trump
( Seong-ho Sheen )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2020] 제32권 제4호, 517~538페이지(총22페이지)
TAG North Korea, denuclearization, coercive diplomacy, Obama, Trump, Kim Jong Un
Changes in U.S. Security and Defense Strategy toward China: Assessment and Policy Implications
( Kijoo Kim )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2020] 제32권 제4호, 539~560페이지(총22페이지)
TAG U, S, -China hegemonic competition, New Cold War, Threat perception, U, S, national security strategy, U, S, national defense strategy, ROK-U, S, alliance
Whither North Korea? Competing Historical Analogies and the Lessons of the Soviet Case
( Taesuh Cha )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2020] 제32권 제4호, 561~582페이지(총22페이지)
TAG United States, North Korea, Donald Trump, Kim Jong Un, Mikhail Gorbachev, Joe Biden, historical analogy
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