발행기관 : 한국국방연구원1833 개 논문이 검색 되었습니다.
Strengthening Multi-Domain Deterrence and Defense in the Asia-Pacific Region
( Richard Weitz )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2020] 제32권 제4호, 495~516페이지(총22페이지)
TAG nuclear, missile, precision-strike, conventional, hypersonic, space, cyber, Russia, China
U.S. Coercive Diplomacy toward Pyongyang: Obama vs. Trump
( Seong-ho Sheen )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2020] 제32권 제4호, 517~538페이지(총22페이지)
TAG North Korea, denuclearization, coercive diplomacy, Obama, Trump, Kim Jong Un
Changes in U.S. Security and Defense Strategy toward China: Assessment and Policy Implications
( Kijoo Kim )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2020] 제32권 제4호, 539~560페이지(총22페이지)
TAG U, S, -China hegemonic competition, New Cold War, Threat perception, U, S, national security strategy, U, S, national defense strategy, ROK-U, S, alliance
Whither North Korea? Competing Historical Analogies and the Lessons of the Soviet Case
( Taesuh Cha )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2020] 제32권 제4호, 561~582페이지(총22페이지)
TAG United States, North Korea, Donald Trump, Kim Jong Un, Mikhail Gorbachev, Joe Biden, historical analogy
The Spurious Nuclear Learning: Why Nixon Used Nuclear Coercion during the Vietnam War
( Myung Chul Kim )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2020] 제32권 제4호, 583~599페이지(총17페이지)
TAG nuclear weapons, coercive diplomacy, nuclear learning, President Nixon, Vietnam War
Trilateral Trade and Taking a Side Between the U.S. and China
( Wonjae Hwang ) , ( Randy Willemain ) , ( Sang-hwan Lee )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2020] 제32권 제4호, 601~623페이지(총23페이지)
TAG trade, U, S, China, UN, economic power
Sino-DPRK Relations and Chinese Perception toward North Korea’s Nuclear Issue: Meta-Analysis on Chinese Literature since 2012
( Haofan Fang )  한국국방연구원, Korean journal of defense analysis [2020] 제32권 제4호, 625~653페이지(총29페이지)
TAG Sino-DPRK relations, nuclear weapons, the Korean Peninsula, the United States
비전통 안보의 재조명: 코로나 19 시대 이후의 새로운 방향 모색
홍규덕  한국국방연구원, 국방정책연구 [2020] 제129권 9~57페이지(총49페이지)
TAG Non Traditional Security, New Security, Cyber Security, Comprehensive Security, Homeland Security, Human Security, Convergence Security
포스트 코로나 시대의 국제질서
박상현  한국국방연구원, 국방정책연구 [2020] 제129권 59~86페이지(총28페이지)
TAG international order, Post-COVID-19, economic nationalism, mutipolarity, new cold war
비전통 위협에 대한 군의 역할 연구: 재난 분야를 중심으로
김진영  한국국방연구원, 국방정책연구 [2020] 제129권 87~110페이지(총24페이지)
TAG Non-traditional Threats, Disaster, Disaster Management, Disaster Management System
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