발행기관 : 한국EU학회 AND 간행물명 : Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies174 개 논문이 검색 되었습니다.
EU Trade with Korea: From Deficit to Surplus A Gravity Approach to Assess the Impact of the EU-Korea FTA on Bilateral Trade
( Massimiliano Porto )  한국EU학회, Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies [2018] 제16권 제2호, 71~105페이지(총35페이지)
TAG EU, Korea, Free-Trade Agreement, Gravity Model
( Sang Chul Park )  한국EU학회, Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies [2018] 제16권 제1호, 1~7페이지(총7페이지)
EU Public Diplomacy in Its Promotion of ISDS in TTIP
( Hungdah Su )  한국EU학회, Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies [2018] 제16권 제1호, 9~29페이지(총21페이지)
TAG Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), European Union, Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS), Public Diplomacy, Institutionalism
The Politics of TTIP in the US: American Industry, Labor and Public Positions on Transatlantic Trade
( Mary Anne Madeira )  한국EU학회, Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies [2018] 제16권 제1호, 31~53페이지(총23페이지)
TAG International trade, preferential trade agreements, trade politics, new new trade theory, foreign direct investment, lobbying, Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, United States, European Union
Brexit and Its Implications for FTAs: The Cases of CETA and TTIP
( Chih-mei Luo )  한국EU학회, Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies [2018] 제16권 제1호, 55~78페이지(총24페이지)
TAG Brexit, TTIP, CETA, FTAs, Economic Inequality, Distributive Injustice
The Canada European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement: Securing a Comprehensive Deal in the Populist Era
( Robert G. Finbow )  한국EU학회, Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies [2018] 제16권 제1호, 79~109페이지(총31페이지)
TAG Canada, European Union, CETA, Trade, Investment, Procurement
Status Quo, Problems and Perspective of Sino-EU Economic Relations: A Perspective from EU New Trade Strategy
( Ding Chun ) , ( Yang Jiawei )  한국EU학회, Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies [2018] 제16권 제1호, 111~128페이지(총18페이지)
TAG The European Union (EU), China, Economic Relation, EU New Trade Strategy
V4 between TTIP and OBOR
( Martin Riegl ) , ( Bohumil Dobos ) , ( Jan Becka )  한국EU학회, Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies [2018] 제16권 제1호, 129~146페이지(총18페이지)
TAG TTIP, OBOR, Visegrad Group, Geoeconomy, Geopolitics, Trade
Towards a Partnership for Global Norm Diffusion: The Strategic Importance of Hong Kong in EU-CHINA Relations
( Kenneth Ka-lok Chan )  한국EU학회, Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies [2017] 제15권 제2호, 1~24페이지(총24페이지)
TAG Brexit, China, European Union, Hong Kong, Norm Contestation
Another Mega-Regional Trade Bloc under Construction? The Case of the European Union (EU) - Japan Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
( Sebastian Bobowski )  한국EU학회, Asia-Pacific Journal of EU Studies [2017] 제15권 제2호, 25~40페이지(총16페이지)
TAG The European Union, Japan, Free Trade Agreement, Mega-Regionalism
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