발행기관 : 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원478 개 논문이 검색 되었습니다.
Claiming the Lineage of Northeast Asian Civilization: The Discovery of Hongshan and the “Hongshan Turn” in Popular Korean Pseudohistory
( Andrew Logie )  서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원, Seoul Journal of Korean Studies [2020] 제33권 제2호, 279~322페이지(총44페이지)
TAG Hongshan, pseudohistory, archaeology, origins discourse, diachronic genealogy
The Joseon Government’s Changing Perception of Early Catholicism Examined through Law Application
( Byungsul Jung )  서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원, Seoul Journal of Korean Studies [2020] 제33권 제2호, 323~342페이지(총20페이지)
TAG Early Catholicism, Joseon dynasty, law application, heresy, theft, repression, persecution
A Study on the Illustrations of the Sinjajeon: An Important Stepping Stone for the Modern Korean Dictionary
( Deokyoung Park )  서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원, Seoul Journal of Korean Studies [2020] 제33권 제2호, 343~371페이지(총29페이지)
TAG Illustration, Sinjajeon, new dictionary, modern, Gwangmunhoe, Korean, Chinese
Adapting to New Cultural Environments: An Analysis of the Yiwangjik aakpu Regular Concerts (1932-1945)
( Heeyoung Choi )  서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원, Seoul Journal of Korean Studies [2020] 제33권 제2호, 373~393페이지(총21페이지)
TAG Yiwangjik aakpu, court music, aak, Aakpu regular concert, yisu˘phoe, cultural adaptability, colonial modernity
Writing “Manchurian-Korean Literature” in the Manso˘n ilbo, 1937-1942
( Lehyla G. Heward )  서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원, Seoul Journal of Korean Studies [2020] 제33권 제2호, 395~418페이지(총24페이지)
TAG Manso˘n ilbo, Manchurian-Korean literature, Manchukuo, nation-building, Korean intellectuals
A Fusion of Dreams, a Crossing of Borders: On Ch’oe Inhun’s Transformations of Korean Classical Literature
( Dennis Wuerthner )  서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원, Seoul Journal of Korean Studies [2020] 제33권 제2호, 419~458페이지(총40페이지)
TAG Ch’oe Inhun, Korean heritage, intellectual dissent, Korean literary canon, adaptation
Understanding the Politics of Constitutional Resilience in South Korea
( Hannes B. Mosler )  서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원, Seoul Journal of Korean Studies [2020] 제33권 제2호, 459~491페이지(총33페이지)
TAG constitutional change, Asia, comparative constitutional theory, institutionalism, distrust, constitutional ethos, South Korea
Smart City Songdo? A Digital Turn on Urban Fabric
( Suzanne Peyrard ) , ( Valérie Gelézeau )  서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원, Seoul Journal of Korean Studies [2020] 제33권 제2호, 493~518페이지(총26페이지)
TAG Cultural and critical geography, South Korea, Songdo, smart city, megaproject, residential space
The Alienation of Second-generation Korean Brazilians from Ethnic Churches in São Paulo
( Jihye Kim )  서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원, Seoul Journal of Korean Studies [2020] 제33권 제2호, 519~543페이지(총25페이지)
TAG Korean Brazilian, second generation, ethnic church, identity, sense of belonging, Brazilian society
Tonghak: A Progressive Ideological Heritage Indigenous to the Choso˘n Nation
( Hak Hui Ro )  서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원, Seoul Journal of Korean Studies [2020] 제33권 제2호, 545~567페이지(총23페이지)
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