발행기관 : 서울대학교 행정대학원 AND 간행물명 : Korean Journal of Policy Studies494 개 논문이 검색 되었습니다.
Do Machine Learning Methods Outperform Traditional Statistical Models in Crime Prediction? A Comparison Between Logistic Regression and Neural Networks
( Chongmin Na ) , ( Gyeongseok Oh ) , ( Juyoung Song ) , ( Hyoungah Park )  서울대학교 행정대학원, Korean Journal of Policy Studies [2021] 제36권 제1호, 1~13페이지(총13페이지)
Genesis of the Russia-Japan Conundrum in Northeast Asian Security: The Anatomy of Mutual Distrust and the China Factor
( Se Hyun Ahn )  서울대학교 행정대학원, Korean Journal of Policy Studies [2021] 제36권 제1호, 15~25페이지(총11페이지)
National Informatization Policy in Korea: A Historical Reflection and Policy Implications
( Changhee Lee )  서울대학교 행정대학원, Korean Journal of Policy Studies [2021] 제36권 제1호, 27~43페이지(총17페이지)
The Transition of the Presidency, 2020-2021
( James P. Pfiffner )  서울대학교 행정대학원, Korean Journal of Policy Studies [2021] 제36권 제1호, 45~59페이지(총15페이지)
The 2020 U.S. Elections: A Mixed Result for the Political Parties
( Mark J. Rozell )  서울대학교 행정대학원, Korean Journal of Policy Studies [2021] 제36권 제1호, 61~68페이지(총8페이지)
From Fragile to Collapsed Statehood: The Case of the Republic of Yemen (1990-2020)
( Jörg Michael Dostal )  서울대학교 행정대학원, Korean Journal of Policy Studies [2021] 제36권 제1호, 69~84페이지(총16페이지)
The Arts as a Polarized Issue and the Role of Political Trust in Promoting the Arts: Evidence From the United States
( Jae Young Lim ) , ( Harin Woo )  서울대학교 행정대학원, Korean Journal of Policy Studies [2021] 제36권 제1호, 85~97페이지(총13페이지)
Determinants of Public Service Career Choice in Developing Countries
( Yongjin Chang )  서울대학교 행정대학원, Korean Journal of Policy Studies [2020] 제35권 제3호, 1~34페이지(총34페이지)
TAG public service career choice, developing countries, case studies, job security
A Comparative Study of Entrepreneurial Leadership and Organizational Culture Oriented toward Innovation in Central Government Agencies, Public Enterprises, and Executive Agencies
( Min Young Kim ) , ( Hyo Joo Lee )  서울대학교 행정대학원, Korean Journal of Policy Studies [2020] 제35권 제3호, 35~65페이지(총31페이지)
TAG comparative study, entrepreneurial leadership, GLOBE model, organizational culture, organizational innovation, social identity theory, organization type
Innovative Behavior in Public Sector Services Public Service Motivation and Private Sector Experience
( Jonghwan Eun )  서울대학교 행정대학원, Korean Journal of Policy Studies [2020] 제35권 제3호, 67~86페이지(총20페이지)
TAG innovative behavior, public service motivation, private sector experience
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