[리더십]사우스웨스트 CEO 허브켈러허(Herb Kelleher) 리더십(영문)

 1  [리더십]사우스웨스트 CEO 허브켈러허(Herb Kelleher) 리더십(영문)-1
 2  [리더십]사우스웨스트 CEO 허브켈러허(Herb Kelleher) 리더십(영문)-2
 3  [리더십]사우스웨스트 CEO 허브켈러허(Herb Kelleher) 리더십(영문)-3
 4  [리더십]사우스웨스트 CEO 허브켈러허(Herb Kelleher) 리더십(영문)-4
 5  [리더십]사우스웨스트 CEO 허브켈러허(Herb Kelleher) 리더십(영문)-5
 6  [리더십]사우스웨스트 CEO 허브켈러허(Herb Kelleher) 리더십(영문)-6
 7  [리더십]사우스웨스트 CEO 허브켈러허(Herb Kelleher) 리더십(영문)-7
 8  [리더십]사우스웨스트 CEO 허브켈러허(Herb Kelleher) 리더십(영문)-8
 9  [리더십]사우스웨스트 CEO 허브켈러허(Herb Kelleher) 리더십(영문)-9
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[리더십]사우스웨스트 CEO 허브켈러허(Herb Kelleher) 리더십(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
1. Why Herb Kelleher?
2. Who is Herb Kelleher? – profile
3. What’s so different about south west airlines?
4. South west airline’s success story
5. What has made Southwest Airlines so successful?
The key success factor is the “Culture”
6. Cultural Leadership by Kelleher
7. Implications
8. Work Cited
Fourth, we refer to the Fortune magazine that announces “the world’s most admired companies” in the U.S annually.
- The Fortune magazine based on a survey of 10,000 people in 65 various fields of industry. They have announced desirable companies on the basis of employee’s level, extent of innovation, financial condition, management capability, social responsibilities, long-term investment, and quality control. With this, we chose two more magazines('Chief Executive magazine' and 'Business Week') that had reliability in the field of economy.

Through these criteria, we chose Herb Kelleher, the leader of the Southwest Airlines.

Who is Herb Kelleher? - Profile
- Born March 12, 1931 in New Jersey, Haddon Heights
- Wesleyan University, English and Philosophy major
- New York University – Law school
- Lawyer at a law firm in Texas
- Founded South West Airline in 1971 with Rollin King
- CEO of South West Airline from 1978 to 2001
- Executive Chairmen of the Board at SWA
- appointed as deputy chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Dallas board of directors for 2009

What’s so different about South West Airline?
1) Destroy of the ‘rule of game’
Herb Kelleher thoroughly broke the old custom in this field which called ‘rule of game’ and created new rules, that is short-distance transportation, non-stop flight service, low fares, and high efficiency instead of intercontinental service, extending the share of the market. He also united all airplane with Boeing 737 in order to improve efficiency. He removes service which was unnecessary and emphasis high-quality safety supervision, departure and arrival at on-time, and low fares what passenger really want the company do.
2) Creation of ‘Fun’ management
Herb Kelleher was a person who used to say that tasks should be fun. He attended the board of the directors meeting with a jean, sometimes waited for the employees coming to work to surprise them with a rabbit make up on his face. What he wanted to earn with this fun management was people’s ‘heart’. He was confident that the firm which enjoys their works from the inside can only grow as a world top firm. When leader devotes himself to serve the members, leader’s vision becomes a wish of the members and that influence is amazingly big.
South West Airline’s Success Story.
There are many things that proves the South West Airline’s Success including productive work force, lowest fares, good profitability, steady growth rate, no furloughs, market dominance, outstanding stock performance, and so forth, however we’d like to address the success in customer satisfaction and low turnover which are closely related to management from Herb Kelleher’s leadership.
- Low Turnover
SWA has one of the lowest turnover rates in the airline industry, approximately 4.5 percent per year. Southwest people love working in an environment that encourages them to be themselves.
- High Customer Service Ratings
Based on baggage handling, on-time performance, and customer complaint statistics reported by the U.S. Department of Transportation, SWA has the best customer service record in airline industry. SWA is the only carrier in the USA to win the industry’s “Triple Crown” since DoT
 http://www.southwest.com
 http://mirero.9rum.com/index.php?url=cc&title=%EC%A1%B0%EC%98%81%ED%83%81%EC%9D%98+CEO+%EB%A6%AC%EB%8D%94%EC%8B%AD+%ED%83%90%EA%B5%AC+7%2C+%ED%97%88%EB%B8%8C+%EC%BC%88%EB%9F%AC%ED%97%88+%EC%82%AC%EC%9A%B0%EC%8A%A4%EC%9B%A8%EC%8A%A4%ED%8A%B8%ED%95%AD%EA%B3%B5+%E5%89%8D%ED%9A%8C%EC%9E%A5&a&now_tab=main&a&now_tab=main
 http://www.fortune.com
 http://www.businessweek.com
 http://www.forbes.com
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