[지식경영] 지식경영 모델 사례 분석(영문)

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 11  [지식경영] 지식경영 모델 사례 분석(영문)-11
※ 미리보기 이미지는 최대 20페이지까지만 지원합니다.
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  • 등록일
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  • 구매가격
  • 적립금
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[지식경영] 지식경영 모델 사례 분석(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
3. The Critic
Thus these steps are the one, which need to be stimulated.
(1) To create an idea one needs experience and/ or knowledge. This comes either from education, research and/ or practice. At this first step, self-critic can already push one further. One very important resource to actually think about a new idea might be the company-external critic, especially the one of costumers. Furthermore - an additional resource can come from the co-work of private inventors and the company by providing the public and thus the private inventors with old patents.
(2) A huge problem and often the goal of a knowledge-management-system is the externalization of this knowledge or at least the transfer of knowledge. Here are again several possible ways to stimulate this:
a) environment
b) tools
c) training
Tools and training are a classical idea: The employee is willed to share his knowledge, the most important thing is, to give him the possibility to do so. He might ether not know, how to transfer his knowledge, than he has to learn, how to do this, or he has not the necessary tools (knowledge-container,...) to do so. The last one is again closely related to the environment. An employee might feel reluctant to share his knowledge. This can have several reasons, but can be summarized with the idea of the environment. This hole environment has one goal: To gain the trust of the employees. The trust that one benefits from spreading ideas and to openly criticize.
How to achieve this goal?
This can be divided again into the direct influence and the indirect. Whereas the direct one changes the situation for everyone at their working-place, the indirect is not a change of the working-condition itself but rather a change in the grade of commitment. A person who has serious private
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