[국제금융론] The relationship between FAFA and CR(영문)

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  • [국제금융론] The relationship between FAFA and CR(영문)
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    [국제금융론] The relationship between FAFA and CR(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.

    3.Latin America Countries
    -Financial interrelations ratio
    : The ratio between financial asset and fixed asset

    It was adopted as a indication which can figure out the relationship between change of financial structure and economic growth by R.A. Goldsmith

    characteristic of financial asset

    - It can start investment with small sum
    - It’s price can be variable on a daily basis
    - High Liquidity

    ▪ Moody's Investors Service/Standards & Poor’s

    ▪ Country Risk of Euromoney:
    A combination of data sources on various debt figures and ratings to help produce our authoritative CR guide that Euromoney publish twice a year.

    ▪ Good resilience in 2009 thanks to the economic stimulus programmed with a rebound expected in 2010

    ▪ Persistent weaknesses: risk of overcapacity and risk of default will bear watching in 2010

    ▪ Strong financial position

    ▪ Deficiencies in the business environment

    the amount by which investors undervalue Korean stocks

    have certain long-term investment risks that need to be addressed

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