무대공포증 Stage Phobia

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 4  무대공포증 Stage Phobia-4
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 11  무대공포증 Stage Phobia-11
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무대공포증 Stage Phobia에 대한 자료입니다.

Ⅰ. Definitions

Ⅱ. Symptoms and Current State

Ⅲ. Causes

Ⅳ. Treatments

Ⅴ. Supplements

Ⅵ. Reference


② Exposure (Structuralized Progressive Exposure)
Exposure means training that faces the anxiety feeling repetitively and progressively until the frightened situation can’t cause fear. Mostly, exposure is considered as essential element of CBT. Actually, exposure can be more powerful than cognitive therapy in order to change client’s negative thought. Clients can learn the fact that dangerousness in frightened situation is felt less than their expectation, through they experience exposure to this situation by themselves. So, the client’s uncomfortable expectation and belief are defined as not fact, because through the exposure client can experience immediately. Also, clients can learn the way of endurance well in situation that their belief is true. Finally, exposure provides chance to practice cognitive therapy skills and improve the social skills and communication skills, clients have avoided using in social situation, with client.

③ Improvement of Social Skill (Education of Foundational Communication Skill)
Improvement of social skill is learning the way that improves the social behavioral skill including communication skill. Through this training, client will receive the positive reaction and feedback from other people. Actually, this training is not included in CBT program usually. However, some participants will get effect to overcome social anxiety by mastering the new skills like training of self-assertion well, having light conversation with others effectively, doing eye-contact with others well, acquisition of basic skills that have an affair with new person etc.

3. Procedure of CBT

(1) Understanding of Elements of Afraid

① Stage
Stage that client understands elements which make client feel fear.

② Reason of performing the stage
Stage fright is experienced differently for each person, also degree of fear is different. Stage fright is a symptom that anxiety states about unconscious psychological conflict become phobia. Therefore, through realize and understand this psychological conflict, it is possible to prevent that client unconsciously suffer from phobia.

③ Purpose and method
During counseling, client acquires the insight about the unconscious motivation and conflict which make him nervous, trough client's direct self-observation.

(2) Find out Automatic Thoughts

① Stage
Stage that find out client's unrealistic and inappropriate fright.

② Reason of performing the stage
Through understand automatic thoughts, clients know how it affect his behavior and emotion, and don't believe his thoughts blindly. When client have this objective perspective, he can have much more realistic and appropriate thoughts.

③ Purpose and method
By write down thoughts which pop up when client encounter fright situation, find out automatic thoughts which are recognized naturally and soundly through life long
Ⅵ. Reference

 Antony, Martin M. & Swinson, Richard P.(2005). 수줍음과 사회불안의 극복 : 대인공포증과 발표불안, 면접불안, 수행불안의 자가치료 〔The Shyness & Social Anxiety Workbook〕. (최병휘 역). 서울 : (주)시그마프레스. (원서 1996 출판).
 Hope, Debra A., Heimberg, Richard G., Juster, Harlan R. & Turk, Cynthia L.(2006). 사회불안증의 인지행동치료 : 사회불안 다스리기 〔Managing Social Anxiety : A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Approach〕. (최병휘 역). 서울 : (주)시그마프레스. (원서 2000 출판).
 사회공포증의 인지치료
 권정혜, 이정윤, 조선미(1998). 사회공포증의 인지치료 : 수줍음도 지나치면 병. 서울 : 학지사.
 김은정(2000). 사회공포증. 서울 : 학지사.
 김은정(2000). 특정공포증. 서울 : 학지사.
 이보영(2003). 음악 연주에 있어 무대 공포증 완화를 위한 해결방안 : 피아노 연주를 중심으로. 석사학위논문. 계명대학교.
 http://www.selfgrowth.com/stage_fright_articles.html
 http://www.saviodsilva.net/ph/3.htm

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