[식물생리학] Stem cell homeostasis in SAM

 1  [식물생리학] Stem cell homeostasis in SAM-1
 2  [식물생리학] Stem cell homeostasis in SAM-2
 3  [식물생리학] Stem cell homeostasis in SAM-3
 4  [식물생리학] Stem cell homeostasis in SAM-4
 5  [식물생리학] Stem cell homeostasis in SAM-5
 6  [식물생리학] Stem cell homeostasis in SAM-6
 7  [식물생리학] Stem cell homeostasis in SAM-7
 8  [식물생리학] Stem cell homeostasis in SAM-8
 9  [식물생리학] Stem cell homeostasis in SAM-9
 10  [식물생리학] Stem cell homeostasis in SAM-10
 11  [식물생리학] Stem cell homeostasis in SAM-11
 12  [식물생리학] Stem cell homeostasis in SAM-12
 13  [식물생리학] Stem cell homeostasis in SAM-13
 14  [식물생리학] Stem cell homeostasis in SAM-14
 15  [식물생리학] Stem cell homeostasis in SAM-15
 16  [식물생리학] Stem cell homeostasis in SAM-16
 17  [식물생리학] Stem cell homeostasis in SAM-17
 18  [식물생리학] Stem cell homeostasis in SAM-18
 19  [식물생리학] Stem cell homeostasis in SAM-19
 20  [식물생리학] Stem cell homeostasis in SAM-20
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[식물생리학] Stem cell homeostasis in SAM에 대한 자료입니다.

2.Body : 1-1 WUS/CLV Mechanism
1-2 CLV1/CLV3
1-3 STM
2-1 CZ expansion
2-2 PZ re-specification

3.Conclusion & Prospect

Wus - Maintain SC undifferented
CLV3 – Repress WUS
Number of SC
CLV3 repress WUS
Number of SC

The CLV1 gene encodes a Leu-rich repeat receptor Ser/Thr kinase a member of a large class of proteins found in both plants and animals, many of which are involved in cell signaling.
D. CLV3::GUS 를 이용, CLV3 발현 곳을 알 수 있다.

E. Germination 후 10일 뒤 wild-type의 GUS-stained 모습.

F. Wild-type의 10일 후 모습.

G. WUS돌연변이가 삽입된 CLV3::GUS/wus-1 배에서는 CLV3가 발현되지 않았다.

H. CLV3::GUS/wus-1 seedling 10일 후 GUS-stained 모습.

I. wus-1 seedling 10일후.

J. STM의 돌연변이가 삽입된CLV3::GUS/stm-11 배에서는 CLV3가 약간 발현되는 것을 볼 수 있다.

K. CLV3::GUS/stm-11 seedling 10일 후 GUS-stained 모습.

L. stm-11 seedling 10일 후cotyledons는 형성되었지만 SAM은 형성되지 않았다.

CLV3 Is Localized to the Extracellular Space, Where It Activates the Arabidopsis CLAVATA Stem Cell Signaling Pathway . The Plant Cell, 2002 .

Regulation of CLV3 Expression by Two Homeobox Genes in Arabidopsis1. Plant Physiology, June 2002 .

Wuschel mediates stem cell homeostasis by regulating stem cell number and patterns of cell division and differentiation of stem cell progenitors. Development , 2010 .

Shoot apical meristem maintenance : the art of a dynamic balance. Current of biology, 2003 .
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