일반의약품의 약국외 판매에 관한 연구(영문)

 1  일반의약품의 약국외 판매에 관한 연구(영문)-1
 2  일반의약품의 약국외 판매에 관한 연구(영문)-2
 3  일반의약품의 약국외 판매에 관한 연구(영문)-3
 4  일반의약품의 약국외 판매에 관한 연구(영문)-4
 5  일반의약품의 약국외 판매에 관한 연구(영문)-5
 6  일반의약품의 약국외 판매에 관한 연구(영문)-6
 7  일반의약품의 약국외 판매에 관한 연구(영문)-7
 8  일반의약품의 약국외 판매에 관한 연구(영문)-8
 9  일반의약품의 약국외 판매에 관한 연구(영문)-9
 10  일반의약품의 약국외 판매에 관한 연구(영문)-10
 11  일반의약품의 약국외 판매에 관한 연구(영문)-11
 12  일반의약품의 약국외 판매에 관한 연구(영문)-12
 13  일반의약품의 약국외 판매에 관한 연구(영문)-13
 14  일반의약품의 약국외 판매에 관한 연구(영문)-14
 15  일반의약품의 약국외 판매에 관한 연구(영문)-15
 16  일반의약품의 약국외 판매에 관한 연구(영문)-16
 17  일반의약품의 약국외 판매에 관한 연구(영문)-17
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자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
일반의약품의 약국외 판매에 관한 연구(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
목 차

Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅰ-1. Issues

Ⅰ-2. Research purpose

Ⅱ. Research method and range

Ⅱ-1. Research and range
1) Select candidate for Sales
2) Select target areas

3) Selection of regional spot

Ⅱ-2. Research method

1) Spatial accessibility

2) Time accessibility

Ⅲ. Spatial accessibility
Ⅲ-1. Gu area
Ⅲ-2. Gun area

Ⅲ-3. Compare with Gu area and Gun area
Ⅳ. Time accessibility
Ⅳ-1. Office hours
1) Gu area
2) Gun area

Ⅳ-2. Regular holiday and legal holiday
1) Gu area

2) Gun area
Ⅳ-3. Comparing Gu area and Gun area
Ⅴ. Conclusion

A social debate for selling OTC outside the pharmacy has lasted for 10 years. Considering a medicine's characteristic directly related to a life in the current Pharmaceutical Affairs Law, It is stipulated in Article 35, Section 1 that medicine cannot be sold except pharmacy opener. so it is difficult to buy OTC like cold medicine, digestive medicine, fever reducer on weekends or the dead of night. The government prepared a countermeasure for addressing this needs, it wasn't effective and sustainable. An emergency pharmacy for a dead of night are an example of that.
According to result 'National research on the actual condition on a dead of night drugstores and pharmacies on duty' released by Citizens' Coalition for Economic Justice (CCEJ below), The number of pharmacies nationwide is 21,096 by the end of 2010, but the actual running pharmacy is 0.2% of the total at the dead of night.
Even this was concentrated in Seoul (13) and Gyeonggi-do (12), Kyungnam, Ulsan, Gangwon area(1). However 14%(8) of Total of 56 emergency pharmacies for a dead of night nationwide does not operate. one place operating at Gangwon-do closed too. Pharmacies on duty to operate also does not operate 10%(12) of total pharmacy(119) on public holidays.
Last April 27 Economic Policy Coordination Meeting at Gwacheon Government Complex, the government announced sales plan of OTC outside the pharmacy, but opposition of Pharmaceutical Association makes it disappointed.
Now the government considers medicine reclassification as another measure to relieve discomfort for people buying Health Supplements. In other words, a variety of medicine will increase to relieve the discomfort of the people. In addition, Pharmaceutical Association suggested a plan to operate pharmacy until 12 o'clock a weekly and open on Sunday a monthly on duty. Besides pharmacies operating all day on weekdays will increase to 4000 and on holiday to 5000 and suggested to supply a household medicine box from low-income group by stages.

Ⅰ-2. Research purpose

OTC drugs sold outside pharmacy are major issues associated with public health and convenience. Accordingly, many studies are reached. However, the existing study simply calculated the number of stores per capita consumers with a data of number of candidate store. It does not contain the approaching cost to go to the pharmacy and drug store. Selection of various candidates doesn’t consider the distribution process, controllability, distribution degree. In this study, when OTC sales outside the Pharmacy, we recognize the importance of empirical results and analyze the empirical accessibility improvement degree.
First, we singled out selling store for OTC sales outside the pharmacy using objective standard. In particular, to measure the degree of real approaching cost reduction, we measure and analyze the distance of walking distance between residence and pharmacy, between residence and selected candidates. We check over office hour of pharmacy for the study of temporal accessibility.

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