[사회간호학] 흑사병(영문)

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 6  [사회간호학] 흑사병(영문)-6
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[사회간호학] 흑사병(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
1. Introduction -Definition, symptoms, causes, treatment
2. The Black death in China, Middle east and Africa
3. The Black death in Europe
4. Recurrence of the Black Death
5. Conclusion
6. Reference
- What is the Black Death?
"The Black Death", also known as the Black Plague was so named, because it changed the skin black. The sufferer's skin would darken owing to subepidermal hemorrhages and the extremities would blacken with gangrene at the site of glands. In the 14th century, this plague epidemic let 야ed more than one-third of the population of Europe in less than a few years. In some cities, up to 75% of the population died in several days, including fever and ulcerated swellings on their skin.

- Causes
Commonly, plague affects many species of wild rodents, and it usually is delivered by the bite of infected rat fleas (Xenopsylla species). That's why people who are most likely to be infected include hunters, veterinarians and those who live or travel in areas where animals are infected with plague. The dominant description for this disease is the plague theory, which contributes the outbreak to Yersinia pestis. This bacterium, spread and transmitted by fleas, is generally thought to have been the cause of millions of deaths.

- Symptoms
The most common symptoms are the show of buboes (or gavocciolos) in the inguinal region, the neck and armpits, which oozed pus and bled during opening. Actually, Symptoms of Black Death are pretty similar to a bad condition of the flu, and appears in three different forms which are bubonic, septicemic and pneumonic. In these forms, Y. pestis bacteria are transmitted in a each way, and they cause a little bit different symptoms.
The bubonic plague is transmitted by the bite of an infected rat flea. It has a mortality rate of 30 to 75 percent and symptoms including high fever of 38–41 °C (101–105 °F), headaches, painful aching joints, nausea and vomiting, and a usual feeling of malaise. Without proper treatment, the patient eventually collapses and 80 percent die within eight days.
- 흑사병, 필립지글러 지음, 한은경 옮김, (주) 도서출판 한길사, (2003)
- 인류사를 바꾼 백가지 사건, 빌옌 저, 최경배 역, 미토사, (2002)
- 흑사병의 귀환, 저자 수잔 스콧, 크리스토퍼 던컨 지음 ; 황정연 옮김 황소자리. (2005)
- 흑사병시대의 재구성 : 인류 역사상 가장 참혹했던 시대의 내밀한 이야기> 존 켈리 지음 ; 이종인 옮김. 소소. (2006)
- 흑사병과 서구의 탈바꿈 ,Herlihy, David, Cohn, Samuel Kline (EDT) 저, HarvardUniversityPress (1997)
- 흑사병; 역사의 전환점인가? In the book The Black Death; A Turning Point in History? (ed. William M. Bowsky)