한국사회에서 인터넷이 정치에 미치는 영향(영문)

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 20  한국사회에서 인터넷이 정치에 미치는 영향(영문)-20
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자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
한국사회에서 인터넷이 정치에 미치는 영향(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
1. Introduction
2. Advancement of Internet in South Korea
A. History of the Development
B. Impact of Internet on Korean Society
C. Major Initial Changes of Korean Society
3. Utilization of Internet among Political Parties
A. The U.S. Usage of Internet on Politics
B. Online Information Services of Candidates of Election
C. Internet based Political Campaigns
4. Utilization of Internet among Citizens
A. Initial Stage of Civil Political Supporting Groups (e.g. Nosamo)
B. Political Resources to Ordinary Citizens (e.g. E-Newspaper)
C. Public Political Group against the Government (e.g. Mad Cow Candle assembly, Protesting against FTA)
5. Conclusion

Due to the rapid development of internet society, Korean society in economic, cultural, social aspects is influenced by internet, instead of former mainstream media. The internet utilization on politics, however, was trivial. Despite its underdevelopment of internet usage on politics, with world trends of expansion of internet use, South Korea’s internet society on politics started to grow.
This paper aims to explore how internet influences Korean politics, and analyzing characteristics of internet utilization historically may lead to the answer for what were driving forces for internet usages by citizens and political parties, and their impact on politics of Korea. Secondly, it will also be possible to explain the link between internet and democracy.
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