게임 셧다운 제도 도입과 의사결정과정 연구(영문)

 1  게임 셧다운 제도 도입과 의사결정과정 연구(영문)-1
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 19  게임 셧다운 제도 도입과 의사결정과정 연구(영문)-19
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자료 다운로드  네이버 로그인
게임 셧다운 제도 도입과 의사결정과정 연구(영문)에 대한 자료입니다.
2.Literature Review
3.Research Design
The bill passed on : Apr. 2011
Began enforcing on : Nov. 2011

Criticism on effectiveness

How can we explain
the decision-making process?

Two faces of Power
want to solve conflict
non-decision making

: restricting the range of
decision-making by ma-
nipulating social values
and procedure

Fery said…
To prove non-decision making in policy, find
individual or organizational fail to attempt on
selection and intervention of issues.

Research Question
Why the bill was forced to be adopted, despite the criticism on its effectiveness?

Non-decision making

Research Method & Frame
1. Study literature materials
2. Conducting interviews with Assemblyman

“I can say the bill is slightly harsh in terms of constitutional value(prohibiting excessive restriction).

I am skeptical that this kind of restriction will be effective in the long term.”

-Jin, Seongho. A newspaper interview. 11.05.13

not effective! but symbolic!

The bill cannot be applied to services outside of the country

이춘석, Legislation Committee, 10.4.27

Children are dying because of games, at this moment of discussion

최영희, Main assembly session, 11.4.29

Because youth’s level of happiness
is at the bottom of OECD, ‘shut-down rule’ have to be enforced

Non-decision making
→ partially applicable

Considering these examples which shows
the exercise of power and mobilization of biases about games.

Weak theoretical connection
unable to prove gov.–media connection
failed to get answers of the interview


proper research method
Participant observation of related officials
∵ further approach to inside materials

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