[a+레포트]카카오톡 회사분석 영어자료 경영학 뉴욕주립대학 기업분석 기술경영

 1  [a+레포트]카카오톡 회사분석 영어자료 경영학 뉴욕주립대학 기업분석 기술경영-1
 2  [a+레포트]카카오톡 회사분석 영어자료 경영학 뉴욕주립대학 기업분석 기술경영-2
 3  [a+레포트]카카오톡 회사분석 영어자료 경영학 뉴욕주립대학 기업분석 기술경영-3
 4  [a+레포트]카카오톡 회사분석 영어자료 경영학 뉴욕주립대학 기업분석 기술경영-4
 5  [a+레포트]카카오톡 회사분석 영어자료 경영학 뉴욕주립대학 기업분석 기술경영-5
 6  [a+레포트]카카오톡 회사분석 영어자료 경영학 뉴욕주립대학 기업분석 기술경영-6
 7  [a+레포트]카카오톡 회사분석 영어자료 경영학 뉴욕주립대학 기업분석 기술경영-7
 8  [a+레포트]카카오톡 회사분석 영어자료 경영학 뉴욕주립대학 기업분석 기술경영-8
 9  [a+레포트]카카오톡 회사분석 영어자료 경영학 뉴욕주립대학 기업분석 기술경영-9
 10  [a+레포트]카카오톡 회사분석 영어자료 경영학 뉴욕주립대학 기업분석 기술경영-10
 11  [a+레포트]카카오톡 회사분석 영어자료 경영학 뉴욕주립대학 기업분석 기술경영-11
 12  [a+레포트]카카오톡 회사분석 영어자료 경영학 뉴욕주립대학 기업분석 기술경영-12
 13  [a+레포트]카카오톡 회사분석 영어자료 경영학 뉴욕주립대학 기업분석 기술경영-13
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[a+레포트]카카오톡 회사분석 영어자료 경영학 뉴욕주립대학 기업분석 기술경영에 대한 자료입니다.
저작권자 비동의
1.) KAKAO is Korea software developing company and established from 2010 by Kim Bum Soo(Unknown, 2006). (Unknown, 2006)KAKAO connects everything. "New connect makes the better world" is main management idea. KAKAO was started messenger application since March, 2010. Recently, Korea’s mostly use (JANG, 2016)KAKAO TALK service 90% and 5 billion people download since May 2014. (Unknown, 2006)KAKAO merged with DAUM in 2014.
It developed social networks service applications such as KAKAO talk KAKAO story and so on based smart phone. It provides a variety service. For example, KAKAO STORY, KAKAO TAXI, KAKAO PAY, KAKAO GAME and so on. KAKAO TAXI is calling system what offer on-demand service. KAKAO PAY is payment system what use easily payment. KAKAO insists that people are the most important thing on management. Basically keyword is "On-Demand". It solves things that people ordered in online such as smart phone at offline. It will be an independent mobile life platform.
After all of provided services fits people's every requirement. (CHA, 2016)KAKAO is always compared with LINE which is NAVER SNS service. Especially, they intensely competed to 4 parts that is O2O service, Fin Tech, Game and mobile contents. They offer 12 different languages in order that diverse people, who are living in another country, can use this service. (Unknown, 2017)Currently, KAKAO’s stocks value is about 700 million.
2.) KAKAO CEO is Kim Bum Soo. Kim Bum Soo predicts smart phone era what world people use smart phone application. Kim Bum Soo thinks smart phone application will be new business. First, He worked in SAMSUNG SDS. The fact of Kim Bum Soo predicts, in of the future. Therefore he makes KAKAO application what everywhere communicate friends, co-workers, and families. KAKAO established 'DAUM Communicate' and Kim Bum Soo holds shareholder in KAKAO Company. Currently, Kim Bum Soo educates to students who they want to start-up and establishing a company called 'KAKAO Ecosystem'. (Lee, 2016)
Controlling is based on environment and competing company. It is always changing by environment and competing. Therefore, all team are evaluated based on outcome and utilities. If environment changes, for example released driverless car, ITC refrigerator etc, Team must be changed.
WIKIDIPIA (2006), KAKAO. Explain about KAKAO. Retrieved FEB 10 2017 from WIKIDIFIA.
Web site : https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EC%B9%B4%EC%B9%B4%EC%98%A4_(2006%EB%85%84)
1 KAKAO(2006), About Vision. Retrieved Feb 10 2017 from KAKAO Homepage Web site : http://www.kakaocorp.com/main
2 JANG YOON-HEE(Dec 28 2016) NEWSIS, KAKAO TALK domestic messenger market share 95%. Retrieved Feb 10 2017 from NEWSIS. Explain about KAKAO stocks. Web site : http://www.newsis.com/ar_detail/view.html/?ar_id=NISX20161025_0014472632&cID=10401&pID=10400
3 KAKAO(2006) Explain about KAKAO. Retrieved Feb 10 2017 from KAKAO Web site : http://www.kakaocorp.com/main
4 CHOI DONG HYUN(Mar 26 2016) AISA Economy, KAKAO expects on-demand O2O service growth. Growth O2O service Market. Retrieved Feb 10 2017 from ASIA Economy. Web site : http://view.asiae.co.kr/news/view.htm?idxno=2016030707405436189
5 CHA EUN JI(Feb 02 2017) EBN, Line - KAKAO Talk, now a profitable platform transformation. Explain about KAKAO TALK and Line competition. Retrieved Feb 10 2017 from EBN. Web site : http://www.ebn.co.kr/news/view/875186
6 DAUM FINANCE Analysis(Feb 07 2017), KAKAO Stock Analysis, Information about KAKAO Stocks. Retrieved Feb 11 2017 from DAUM .Web site : http://finance.daum.net/item/main.daum?code=035720
7 LEE HUN IL, PARK KYUNG HOON(Dec 29 2016) Business post, Kim Bum Soo Chairman of the Board of KAKAO. Kim Bum Soo Chairman of the Board of KAKAO. Retrieved Feb 11 2017 from Business post. Web site : http://www.businesspost.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=39760
8 GWOM HYE GIN, YOUNHAP News(May 26 2014), KAKAO Merger ... 3 trillion won market launch, Explain about merger with DAUM and KAKAO. Retrieved Feb 09 2017 from YOUNHAP news. Web site : http://www.yonhapnews.co.kr/it/2014/05/26/2401000000AKR20140526025200017.HTML
9 NO SEUNG UK, MAIL Economy(Jun, 24 2015) Band · KAKAO Story, Low Profitability to Traffic. Explain about KAKAO SWAT analysis. Retrieved Feb 11 2017 from MAIL Economy. Web site : http://news.mk.co.kr/v2/economy/view.php?sc=50000010&cm=%C4%BF%B9%F6%BD%BA%C5%E4%B8%AE&year=2015&no=710158&relatedcode=000130397
10 MENG Ha GYUNG, Korea Daily(Jun 26 2016), Twenty-five percent of day-to-day activities with smartphones, Explain about smart phone using time for teenagers. Retrieved Feb 08 2017 from Korea Daily. Web site : http://www.hankookilbo.com/v_print.aspx?id=06546274be9e4bd192a238459ea4ef51
11 OH DEA SUNG, KBS (Dec 04 2017), Samsung Galaxy, brand ranked No. 1 in the worst ... E-Mart, KAKAOTalk Order. , Explain about Samsung Galaxy brand. Retrieved Feb 09 2016 from KBS. Web site : http://news.kbs.co.kr/news/view.do?ncd=3388325&ref=A
12 JEUN YUONG SUN, JUNG ANG Newspaper(Dec 03 2015), They have 100 billion ... Emoticon market through KAKAO, Explain about KAKAO Emoticon and value. Retrieved Feb 09 2016 from JUNG ANG Newspaper. Web site : http://news.joins.com/article/19180915
13 CHOI YU RY, Korea Economy(May 28 2015) Google, mobile search stand 'charter reversal' ... Domestic portal 'tension, Explain about Search Engine Market in Korea. Retrieved Feb 09 2017 from Korea Economy. Web site : http://www.hankyung.com/news/app/newsview.php?aid=201505279023g
14 Wikidipea(Dec 20 2016) , Fintech, Explain about Fintech. Retrieved Feb 09 2017 from WIKIDIPEA. Web site : https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%ED%95%80%ED%85%8C%ED%81%AC
15 JO MI NA, KYUNG NAM Newspaper(Jan 09 2017, Apply), for a KAKAO bank or an internet bank, KAKAO bank authorization request. Retrieved Feb 09 2017 from KYUNG NAM Newspaper. Web site : http://www.knnews.co.kr/news/articleView.php?idxno=1202436
16 KIM JUNG YOO, E-today News In domestic market(May 05 2016), 300 trillion won in next year, 20 times in two years' . Explain about O2O Market Size from E-today News. Web site : http://www.etoday.co.kr/news/section/newsview.php?idxno=1324595
17 NAVER DICTIONARY(2006), Korean National Culture Foundation, Central Research Institute for Korean Studies, Globalization. Notion about Globalization. Retrieved Feb 04 2017 from NAVER. Web site : http://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=796041&cid=46634&categoryId=46634
18 LEE HUN IL, PARK KYUNG HOON(Dec 29 2016) Business post Kim Bum Soo Chairman of the Board of KAKAO. Kim Bum Soo Chairman of the Board of KAKAO Retrieved Feb 11 2017 from Business post. Web site : http://www.businesspost.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=39760
19 KIM HYUN AH, E-daily(May 29 2015), Next KAKAO acquires 3 SNS 'Path' assets. Merge with Path. Retrieved Feb 11 2017 from E-daily. Web site : http://www.edaily.co.kr/news/NewsRead.edy?SCD=JE41&newsid=02040166609373840&DCD=A00504&OutLnkChk=Y
20 CHO JAE HOON, HYUN DAI Business Newspaper(Jan 06 2017), Netmarble · KAKAO Games 'Daeruk class' listed ... Prospects 'clear', Stocks about KAKAO and Netmable. Retrieved Feb 06 2017 from HYUN DAI Business Newspaper. Web site : http://www.finomy.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=42263
21 LIM IL GON, Business Watch(Feb 09 2017), Annual turnover approx. Synergy with
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