통방 논문 크리틱

 1  통방 논문 크리틱-1
 2  통방 논문 크리틱-2
 3  통방 논문 크리틱-3
 4  통방 논문 크리틱-4
 5  통방 논문 크리틱-5
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통방 논문 크리틱에 대한 자료입니다.
Aggressive Victims, Passive Victims, and Bullies: Developmental Continuity or Developmental Change?
Author note contains acknowledgment of special circumstances:
Sources of funding or other support. Use of data also appearing in previous publications, dissertations, or conference papers
Laura D. Hanish, Department of Family and Human Development; Nancy G. Guerra, Department of Psychology.
This research was supported by grant R18-MH48034 from the National Institute of Mental Health awarded to the second author. We would also like to thank Leonard Eron, David Henry, Rowell Huesmann, and Patrick Tolan for their contributions to this research.
Evaluation for 1.
제목에서 변수들이 무엇인지 밝히고 있지만, 제목을 통해서 연구에서 말하고자 하는 바가 무엇인지는 명확하게 알기는 어렵다.
Author note에서는 저자가 어디서 자금을 받았는지 등에 대해 잘 기술 하고 있다.
2. Abstract
Problem under investigation
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