  • [정책학] 저소득층을 위한 생활보조금-사회보장과 복지정책(영문)
    Worker's compensation ▶ Health insurance ▶ Annuity insurance ▶ Unemployment insurance Public assistance Social welfare service 1935 Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) 1974 Preventive law of child abuse 1975 Reinforcement law of child rearing expenses 1980 The laws to aid adoption and the child welfare law 1975 The Law of Education for disabled
    2011-09-21 | 1,400원 | 25p | 복지정책 생활보조금 저소득층 정책학 사회보장   [정책학] 저소득층을 위한 생활보조금-사회보장과 복지정책(영문)
  • 희망온돌프로젝트 정책 분석(영문)
    supporting the cost of living, providing martial support, and free meal service for lower income families. May, 2013 currently, Ondol welfare project is in process of carrying on many welfare services such as 희망마차service which deliver necessaries to underprivileged people, unit heater checking service, caring community creating project and free meal service for day worker and etc.
    2014-12-16 | 1,700원 | 17p | 희망 마차 온돌 정책 희망마차service 분석   희망온돌프로젝트 정책 분석(영문)
  • 독일의 연금제도(영문)
    worker exemption : soldier, judge, public-sector worker, low-incomer if he/she want… : Germany resident more than 16-year-old : Germans living abroad : low-incomer pension of the old : 70% of income pension of the deceased : partner + child = 60% : etc = 25% pension of the disabled : 66~100% The oldest system of Social security of Germany c
    2013-03-29 | 1,900원 | 26p | 연금제도 연금제 영문 연금 제도   독일의 연금제도(영문)
  • [행정학] 장애인 고용정책 평가(영문)
    the different people by social structural problem. That's why disabled people are distinguished from the main stream and they are likely to be seen inferior than common people. According to , the attitude research result shows that except for research from middle school, high school and socialwelfare agency volunteer worker, every research investigation's answers are negative to disab
    2011-11-21 | 1,400원 | 14p | 고용정책 장애인 장애 고용 정책   [행정학] 장애인 고용정책 평가(영문)
  • 동성결혼 사례와 찬반 토론(영문)
    The reason for the soaring numbers of homosexuals in recent days is unclear, but what is clear is that different nations, states, societies, groups, and individuals hold different view with respect to homosexuality and same-sex marriage. In this paper, the factual data, the possible hardships that homosexuals face, pros and cons of same-sex marriage, and social welfare values with regard to the i
    2013-11-26 | 1,700원 | 13p | 결혼 찬반 동성결혼 영문 토론 사례   동성결혼 사례와 찬반 토론(영문)
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