  • 일본의 화장품시장 분석 및 진출 방안 연구(영문)
    I. Environment Analysis Introduction Lately, South Korea's cosmetic companies are actively entering Japanese market. In particular, low-priced brand companies entering are remarkable. Continuing the long-term recession, Japanese consumers find inexpensive cosmetics. Through this period, cosmetics of South Korea draw popular through low price and good quality. Celebrity publicity is also inf
    2012-09-20 | 3,400원 | 57p | 진출 화장품시장 분석 연구 일본   일본의 화장품시장 분석 및 진출 방안 연구(영문)
  • [비교문화경영] 한국과 일본, 중국 비즈니스 문화
    IV. Business Culture 장행복, ⌜중국 비즈니스 문화⌟, 신성출판사, 2007 http://www.myjapanphone.com/business_culture.html (2011.5.12) http://www.worldbusinessculture.com (2011.5.12) 1. Korean Business Culture Korean are famous for having hasty characteristics. They have strong collectivism. Confucian ethics emphasise the value of collective group harmony, re
    2011-09-23 | 2,400원 | 33p | 비교문화경영 문화 중국 비즈니스 경영   [비교문화경영] 한국과 일본, 중국 비즈니스 문화
    - Negotiation: (definition) Negotiation is a process where two parties with differences which they need to resolve are trying to reach agreement through exploring for options and exchanging offers- and an agreement. Firstly, negotiation is a process-a sequence of activities, perhaps with an underlying pattern. Secondly, we need two parties for a negotiation. Thirdly there must be differences. T
    2011-01-28 | 2,500원 | 18p | 협상론 negotiation FELLS BATNA Complexities in negotiation Negotiation DNAelements   NEGOTIATION 레포트
  • [국제경제] 한국-유럽 EU FTA(영문)
    mutual trade and investment benefits. The following shows Korea’s trade record with the EU during the period 1971~2005. . . . FTA negotiation Tariff elimination - big car : in 3 year - small car(less than 1500cc) : in 5 year Dut
    2009-08-27 | 2,000원 | 30p | 국제경제 EU 유럽 FTA 국제 영문 경제 한국   [국제경제] 한국-유럽 EU FTA(영문)
  • [무역결제론] UCP 600 원문과 해석문
    in whose favour a credit is issued. Complying presentation means a presentation that is in accordance with the terms and conditions of the credit, the applicable provisions of these rules and international standard banking practice. Confirmation means a definite undertaking of the confirming bank, in addition to that of the issuing bank, to honour or negotiate a complying presentation.
    2012-07-25 | 3,400원 | 46p | UCP 무역결제론 해석문 결제론   [무역결제론] UCP 600 원문과 해석문
  • 서식
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