  • [서양사] 이탈리아 르네상스(영문)
    ⅠCharacteristics of the Italian Renaissance Before the Renaissance Black death most devastating pandemic peaking in Europe between 1348-1350 killing 75 million- 200million -Spread of the Black death -Political disorder -Economic recession So called “calamitous 14th century” Renaissance Renaissance? meaning REBIRTH a cultural movement of 14th
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  • 멕시코 여행기
    Church stands as a testament to Oaxaca's architectural finesse, blending seamlessly with the city's quaint, shaded streets. The city’s commitment to preserving its ancestral roots is evident in its courtyards, churches, and monasteries, each narrating a chapter of its captivating history. As one navigates through these cities, the vivid tapestry of Mexico's culture unfurls, painting a portra
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  • 영문 Flubber 플러버 영화 대사
    Church on Beach Street. - I`ve been there. - We had our rehearsal there last night. That`s right, we did! It went well? - Yes, it did, but it doesn`t count. - Good. - No? - The wedding counts, and I want you to promise me... on everything between us that you`ll be there, okay? I`d rather die than disappoint you. Well, this is going to be the very last time I try to marry you. I imagine so. I know
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  • 루터와 칼빈의 윤리사상의 비교
    보이고 있다. Ernst Troeltsch, 『Social Teachings of the Christian Churches』Ⅰ&Ⅱ(Chicago UP,1960), p576-p578 1. 루터의 윤리사상 개요 1) 카톨릭 교회가 주장하는 교회의 전통이 지니고 있는 절대적인 권위보다는 하나님의 말씀의 권위가 앞선다고 주장하였다. 따라서 “오직 말씀으로만”(sola scriptura) 이라고 했다.
    2016-04-16 | 800원 | 4p | 루터와 칼빈의 윤리사상의 비교
  • 영문 The Beautiful Country 아름다운 나라 영화 대사
    me. Its Binh. I am so sorry, my son. Mai. Will you wait? Thank you. Youre hungry? What are you thinking? I am thinking... that I dont know you. You know, we were married... in a church. He was Christian? He never said... but he wanted a priest. Where is he? What happened to him? He was here one day... then he was gone. Just like that. Killed? He was just gone. It was a hard time for everyone.
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 아름   영문 The Beautiful Country 아름다운 나라 영화 대사
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