  • [생물공정공학] 바이오매스의 효율적이용과 바이오메탄의 정제공법(영문)
    about 10-15 percent higher methane (CH4) content than normal landfill gas. Amount of organic waste is approximately 8,300tons/year by 2008 and 2007, among which only about 7% (6.1million tons/year) are used to source of energy (biogas).
    Bio-gas produced by using organic waste were used mostly as a heating fuel of the digestion tanks or power plant fuel.
    2011-09-06 | 1,400원 | 14p | 바이오 바이오메탄 정제공법 생물공정공학 바이오매스   [생물공정공학] 바이오매스의 효율적이용과 바이오메탄의 정제공법(영문)
  • [물리화학] 신재생에너지 바이오매스 현황및 전망(영문)
    Heating on the anaerobic to produce H2-CO first order combination gas. pyrolysis : On vacuum condition, decompose bio mass by exposing high-temp. solvent, acid, base : Using the bio mass for classifying glucose, fibrous tissue and lignin. Bio diesel product mix 20%
    2011-02-22 | 2,100원 | 23p | 물리화학 바이오 신재생 에너지 바이오매스   [물리화학] 신재생에너지 바이오매스 현황및 전망(영문)
  • [화학공학] Eco-friendly fuel and battery(영문)
    Integrated coal Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) power plant is the most environmentally friendly coal-fired power generation technology. Most importantly, coal gasification offers the immediate opportunity to generate power with near zero greenhouse gas emissions and the pathway to a future hydrogen economy. Description Coal gasification is the process of converting coal to a gaseous f
    2010-06-30 | 1,800원 | 15p | and of the to is fuel as cell for The   [화학공학] Eco-friendly fuel and battery(영문)
  • 금속제 식기 생산 및 해외 판매 전략(영문)
    (i). The head of management and finance Our company’s name is Rembra. Rembra is a combination of ‘respect’ and ‘embrace’, the two virtues we value above all. We respect each of our clients and intend to serve them with utmost care and attention. Also, Rembra is a multicultural company that has branches in many different countries. We embrace our clients’ interests and favor and custo
    2018-01-09 | 2,000원 | 19p | 식기 판매 해외 금속제 영문   금속제 식기 생산 및 해외 판매 전략(영문)
  • 유니클로의 경영분석(영문)
    Summary This report is the review of UNIQLO, a leading casual apparel retailer in the world. UNIQLO is known for its high quality, fashionable clothes and affordable price. This report will discuss the reasons behind UNIQLO’s success, popularity and how it makes use of Information Technologies to compete among its competitors. This report is to examine the organization structure, value chain a
    2016-03-03 | 3,000원 | 60p | 경영분석 경영 분석 영문   유니클로의 경영분석(영문)
  • 표지/속지/템플릿
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