  • 대학내 외식 산업이 구내식당에 미치는 영향 연구(영문)
    expenditure for the new semester'(Table 2), it turned out that they feel the most inflation in the 'food expenses' item(40.8%) which took the top area for 2 years in a row from the last year(52.3%). The main reason why they show such sensitive responses like this is that food expenses account for a significant amount of their entire
    2017-11-17 | 5,000원 | 42p | 외식 구내식당 산업 연구 영문 구내   대학내 외식 산업이 구내식당에 미치는 영향 연구(영문)
  • [교육학] 공립학교의 교장에 대하여(영문)
    Effective schools meet the learning needs of the students who attend them. Equal Educational Opportunity Survey in 1966 Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Public Law 94-192 Effective Schools Movement Effective Schools research Coleman Report Family and community factors prevented some children
    2011-06-08 | 1,800원 | 39p | 공립학교 공립학교의 공립학 교육학 공립   [교육학] 공립학교의 교장에 대하여(영문)
  • 러시아의 의료문화(영문)
    1. INTRODUCTION Medical Tourism is outside his residence to go to other local and foreign medical institutions and medical institutions, local recreation agencies through their own health care or maintenance of disease, recovery, and other activities that promote their own depending on the state of health care in the field, sightseeing, shopping and cultural experience that also means that s
    2014-11-27 | 1,700원 | 13p | 의료 고객 러시아 복지부 미용 방한   러시아의 의료문화(영문)
  • 다문화 가족 사례 연구(영문)
    1. Family Case Multicultural family cases are seemed various as its name is multi. Moreover, its problems are too different and various. We were trying to find one of cases but it is hard to find it which is really fit to our concept. Therefore, we are going to make one case based on real some cases. The basic concept of case is that multicultural family children rearing and education problem in
    2013-02-20 | 1,700원 | 17p | 다문화 가족 사례 연구 영문   다문화 가족 사례 연구(영문)
  • 의료비저축통장제도를 통한 근로소득 특별공제축소
    1. Introduction 1) reason of choice MSA Health insurance is an insurance that pay medical cost. We don't know when we sick, what we catch disease or how we sick. And when medical cost is big, it is a burden on people. So insurance exist as way to guarantee living healthy. However, now Korean health insurance face with a crisis. Our health insurance premium is low, so expenditure of medical
    2012-07-02 | 1,500원 | 18p | 의료비저축통장 의약 제약   의료비저축통장제도를 통한 근로소득 특별공제축소
  • 서식
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