  • 영문 KINGKONG 킹콩 영화 대사
    KING KONG Screenplay by FRAN WALSH & PETER JACKSON From an idea conceived by EDGAR WALLACE & MERIAN C. COOPER 1st Draft 1996 EXT. SKIES OVER FRANCE 1917 - DAY CAMERA drifts towards a large puffy cloud floating 6000ft above the French countryside ... ... a roar of engines - sounding like angry buzzing bees - and three ... six ... NINE SOPWITH CAMEL FIGHTER PLANES emerge from the cloud, flying in t
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 킹콩   영문 KINGKONG 킹콩 영화 대사
  • 영문 ANNIEHALL 애니홀 영화 대사
    concession watching three military men representing the Army, the Navy and the Marines arm in arm with a blond woman in a skirted bathing suit. They all turn and run toward the foreground. The girl stops before the camera to lean over and throw a kiss. The sign over the concession reads "Steves Famous Clam Bar. Ice Cold Beer, "and the roller coaster is moving in full gear in the background. ALVYS
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문   영문 ANNIEHALL 애니홀 영화 대사
  • 영문 House Of Wax하우스 오브 왁스 영화 대사
    concessions to the macabre. Thats the best figure of Booth Ive ever seen. You almost expect him to speak. -I wonder what hed say. -Im sure hed rant a bit. Even after he shot Lincoln and jumped from the Presidents box onto the stage... he couldnt resist turning to the audience and taking a bow. I found him a very stubborn person. -Stubborn? -Unbelievably. For days I argued with this fellow before
    2015-05-29 | 4,000원 | 100p | 영문HouseOfWax하우스오브왁스영화대사 영문 오브 하우스   영문 House Of Wax하우스 오브 왁스 영화 대사
  • [외식경영] Sodexo 성공요인
    About Sodexo Sodexo - French multinational corporation, food services and facilities management companies. - With 380,000 employees, on 33,900 sites in 80 countries. - Founded in 1996 in Marseille by Pierre Bellon. - In 2008, changed its name from sodexho to sodexo. Mission statement - Improve the Quality of daily life of all who we serve. - Contribute to the economic, social and
    2010-01-27 | 1,100원 | 13p | Sodexo   [외식경영] Sodexo 성공요인
  • 남미 조사 - 칠레
    About chile 칠레에 대한 전반적인 측면을 살펴보는 것도 좋지만 비교 정치 수업에서의 자료인 만큼 정치적 색채에 무게를 두었다. 교수님의 교재와 기타 여러 가지 자료를 총망라하기 위해서 노력하였다. 그러나 경제나 그 밖에 분야를 간과 할 수는 없기에 참고 자료로 첨부해 본다. 최근 FTA문제로 issue
    2016-05-11 | 4,000원 | 139p | 남미 조사 - 칠레
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