  • [경제학] Glossary 번역 과제
    Injections : Fresh spending in the circular flow of income; investment, movement expenditure, and exports. 주입: 수입의 순환적 흐름에서 새로운 지출; 투자, 정부 지출, 수출 Injunctions : Court orders used in labor union-man-agreement disputes to order labor back to work. The Clayton: Act (1914) limited the use of injunctions, but this section was later declared unconsti
    2011-01-11 | 2,800원 | 78p | 번역 경제학 Glossary 과제   [경제학] Glossary 번역 과제
  • 심장질환과 효소공학(영문)
    Heart disease Cardiovascular(heart) disease - a class of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels - the biggest cause of deaths worldwide (Wikipedia) Examples : Coronary heart disease Cardiomyopathy - diseases of cardiac muscle Hypertensive heart disease - diseases of the heart secondary to high blood pressure Heart failure Cor pulmonale - a failure of the right sid
    2013-03-29 | 1,900원 | 28p | 효소공학 심장질환 영문 효소 공학   심장질환과 효소공학(영문)
  • [경제학] Glossary 번역
    arbitration - A situation where a third party hears the arguments of both sides in labor dispute and renders a decision. In binding arbitration, the sides must abide by the decision. 중재 - 노동자의 논쟁과 결정을 내리는 양 측면의 논쟁을 제 3자의 입장에서 듣는 상황. 중재에 의해 양 측은 결정에 승복해야만 한다. arc elasticity - Average elasticity
    2011-07-26 | 2,800원 | 74p | Glossary 경제학 번역   [경제학] Glossary 번역
  • [토양오염] BTEX 레포트
    1. Measured 20g of water-dry soil 2. Prepared one bottle and put the measured soil in that bottle 3. inject toluene(100ppm, 20ml) in #2 to contamination 4. Close the entrance of the bottle with teflon film and shake bottle more than 24 hours 5. After 24 hours inject methanol, hexane(each 20ml) 6. Shake #5 bottle in 2 minutes and let that sinking 7. Centrifugation that sample and get the sup
    2011-03-23 | 1,700원 | 18p | 토양오염 BTEX 토양 오염   [토양오염] BTEX 레포트
  • 경제학 용어 정리(용어사전)
    ATS accounts : Automatic transfer system accounts. Accounts that allow an individual to electronically transfer funds from one account to another or to pay bills automatically. 자동 변환 체계 계좌 : 개인이 한쪽에서 다른 쪽으로 자금을 전자공학적으로 옮기거나 혹은 자동으로 계산서를 지불하도록 허락한 계좌. Average fixed cost : Total fixed cos
    2010-08-30 | 2,800원 | 65p | 경제학용어 서비스 상품 재화 수입 가치   경제학 용어 정리(용어사전)
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