  • [투자론] Basel 3 A global regulatory framework for more resilient banks and banking systems(영문)
    minimum requirement The Basel II framework increased the risk sensitivity and coverage of the regulatory capital requirement. Indeed, one of the most procyclical dynamics has been the failure of risk management and capital frameworks to capture key exposures – such as complex trading activities, resecuritisations and exposures to off-balance sheet vehicles – in advance of the crisis
    2011-10-13 | 2,100원 | 24p | banking more 투자론   [투자론] Basel 3 A global regulatory framework for more resilient banks and banking systems(영문)
  • [국제마케팅] 코스트코 Costco 사례
    minimum 30 to maximum 50 percent of discount on their consumption. Korea, Japan, and U.S.’ distribution industry weight on their GDP Korea (2003) Japan (2001) U.S. (2002) 9.0% 14.0% 13.2% The Dynamics of Korean retail industry 2.2 Industry Outlook Next point that we are going to look over is industry’s outlook. According to
    above, the distribution ind
    2010-01-29 | 1,400원 | 19p | the of and to in is Costco for that are   [국제마케팅] 코스트코 Costco 사례
  • [기업재무]자본구조이론 및 정보불균형에 대한 일반적 고찰(영문)
    Financial distress(재무적 어려움)가 신생 성장 기업의 부채 자금 조달을 가로막는 역할을 한다. 대금업자(lender)가 매력적인 조건을 제시해도 이 기업들은 레버리지 비율을 늘리길 원하지 않는다. 기업과 비재무적으로 이해관계를 형성하는 집단 분류: Customer, Employee, Supplier, Community 이들은 기업의 부
    2010-08-14 | 2,400원 | 30p | 기업재무 정보불균형 자본구조이론 불균형   [기업재무]자본구조이론 및 정보불균형에 대한 일반적 고찰(영문)
  • [MIS] KT E-learning 이러닝(영문)
    1.3.1. Flash lectures KT’s E-learning system provides so many lectures and most of them are flash-based lectures. They include sound, graphic, text, and so on with the flash technology. 1.3.2. VOD Making courses into flash-based one takes some time, but making VOD needs less time and effort. Simply to say, VOD is a recorded video which real lecturer appears on. 1.3.3. E-audio book E-audi
    2010-08-07 | 2,700원 | 23p | KT Elearning 이러닝 MIS learning   [MIS] KT E-learning 이러닝(영문)
  • [MIS, 경영정보시스템] KT E-learning 이러닝 시스템(영문)
    1.3.1. Flash lectures KT’s E-learning system provides so many lectures and most of them are flash-based lectures. They include sound, graphic, text, and so on with the flash technology. 1.3.2. VOD Making courses into flash-based one takes some time, but making VOD needs less time and effort. Simply to say, VOD is a recorded video which real lecturer appears on. 1.3.3. E-audio book E-audi
    2010-06-29 | 2,100원 | 22p | learning   [MIS, 경영정보시스템] KT E-learning 이러닝 시스템(영문)
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