  • [무역결제론] UCP 600 원문과 해석문
    Article 1 Application of UCP 600 The Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, 2007 Revision, ICC Publication no. 600 ("UCP") are rules that apply to any documentary credit("credit") (including, to the extent to which they may be applicable, any standby letter of credit) when the text of the credit expressly indicates that it is subject to these rules. They are binding on all parti
    2012-07-25 | 3,400원 | 46p | UCP 무역결제론 해석문 결제론   [무역결제론] UCP 600 원문과 해석문
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    amount of membership fee on regular basis with minimum 30 to maximum 50 percent of discount on their consumption. Korea, Japan, and U.S.’ distribution industry weight on their GDP Korea (2003) Japan (2001) U.S. (2002) 9.0% 14.0% 13.2% The Dynamics of Korean retail industry 2.2 Industry Outlook Next point that we are going to look over is industry’s outlook. Acc
    2010-01-29 | 1,400원 | 19p | the of and to in is Costco for that are   [국제마케팅] 코스트코 Costco 사례
  • [정치학] 파시즘의 역사(영문)
    Europe : after the first world war Versailles Treaty : Defeated Nation’s Full Responsibility For The War 132 Billion Marks Abandon of Overseas Colonies Prohibition Order on Air Force Submarines Limitation on The Number of The Army and Navy 2. Like democracy… justified under the name of ‘nation’, the ‘state’ and ‘the will of the leader’ By the rules of majorit
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  • 마모의 종류와 파손 분석 및 설계
    abrasive 마모는 표면이 거칠고 경한 돌기의 작용이나 경한 분말이나 외부로부터 분진 등의 연마작용, abrasive paper 등에 의해 발생하는 마모이다. 주로 재료의 기계적 성질의 영향이 크다 할 수 있다. 이것은 전술한대로 요철설에 의한 마모의 확장으로 간주할 수 있다. 그림 18. abrasive 마모의 모식
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  • [투자론] Basel 3 A global regulatory framework for more resilient banks and banking systems(영문)
    minimum capital requirement  •promote more forward looking provisions  •conserve capital to build buffers at individual banks and the banking sector that can be  used in stress  •achieve the broader macroprudential goal of protecting the banking sector from periods of excess credit growth. a. Cyclicality of the minim
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  • 서식
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