  • [PR캠페인] Research Proposal for PR campaign
    attitudes toward FedEx Kinko’s service from quantitative survey result. And we could make various graphs that show differences, strengths, or TOM according to survey results. 6. Research Findings A. Survey Sample Age group of respondents Occupation Use of transportation to FedEx Kinko’s Gender of respondents Time taken to FedEx Kinko’s
    2010-08-14 | 2,100원 | 21p | PR PR캠페인 PR캠페 Research   [PR캠페인] Research Proposal for PR campaign
  • [조사방법론] iPHONE(아이폰) VS OMNIA(옴니아) 분석(영문)
    effect on satisfaction with two smart phones’ user. We will try to see if a relationship does exist among the variables (intermediate variables and dependent variables). Extent of researcher interference with the study: minimal interference We will collect data from the users to indicate how satisfaction they feel with their phone. We will administer a questionnaire to the users, we won’
    2010-08-27 | 2,800원 | 36p | 조사방법론 VS 아이폰 옴니아 iPHONE   [조사방법론] iPHONE(아이폰) VS OMNIA(옴니아) 분석(영문)
  • [소비자행동론] 주의이론(Attention Theory) -모델, 음악, 유머
    related with model, humor and music. For an example not only beer but domestic markets of all alcohol industries all use famous celebrities as models in advertisement. These advertisements combine with elements such as music and humor. Most of soju advertisement use popular female models to arouse perception of the product. Also these advertisements come along with music and flashy performance.
    2010-08-31 | 2,700원 | 25p | 주의이론 소비자행동론 소비자 Theory Attention   [소비자행동론] 주의이론(Attention Theory) -모델, 음악, 유머
  • 대학내 외식 산업이 구내식당에 미치는 영향 연구(영문)
    time, it is very worth attention how college students feel about meal expenses in the middle of the recession while stretching their little money. After having surveyed 2,277 college students for 'college student's consumption expenditure for the new semester'(Table 2), most inflation> it turned out that they feel the most inflation in the 'food ex
    2017-11-17 | 5,000원 | 42p | 외식 구내식당 산업 연구 영문 구내   대학내 외식 산업이 구내식당에 미치는 영향 연구(영문)
  • [패션무역] 동대문패션시장 국제화 전략-SPA 브랜드와 비교 중심으로(영문)
    effective distribution is limited. The severe change of the new distribution structure is not accepted among the sellers in Dongdaemoon market. In addition, there is a shortage of experts who can reinforce the distribution and exporting system. In conclusion, this paper states that the Dongdaemoon fashion market has played a key role in production and selling goods on a reasonable price as Kore
    2011-09-08 | 2,100원 | 22p | 패션무역 패션 동대문 국제화 동대문패션시장   [패션무역] 동대문패션시장 국제화 전략-SPA 브랜드와 비교 중심으로(영문)
  • 서식
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