  • Case study - Demogrphy is destiny
    Case study - Demogrphy is destiny 1. 케이스 요약 2006년 초 신문의 헤드라인에서는 파리에서 일어난 대규모 폭동에 대해서 알렸는데, 그 폭동은 곧 시작될 시장 근로자 개혁을 고발하기 위한 학생과 근로자들에 의해 일어났다. General Motors와 납품업체 Delphi는 131000명의 근로자에게 매수권한을 제공했다. 런
    2009-01-22 | 1,700원 | 22p | 인구 고령화 고령 경제 노인 사회 일본 산업 중국 세계   Case study - Demogrphy is destiny
  • [패션무역] 동대문패션시장 국제화 전략-SPA 브랜드와 비교 중심으로(영문)
    policies through the analysis of structural characteristics of Dongdaemoon fashion market’ mentions that Dongdeamoon is the place which is full with many groups of fashion stores.(Hong & Lee, 2007) The main features of this place are traditional store group, east store group, new west store group which is oriented to retail. So, these days, the proposition of wholesale gets smaller and proposit
    2011-09-08 | 2,100원 | 22p | 패션무역 패션 동대문 국제화 동대문패션시장   [패션무역] 동대문패션시장 국제화 전략-SPA 브랜드와 비교 중심으로(영문)
  • [투자론] 배당정책에 영향을 미치는 요인(영문)
    policies which can secure the strong stockholders are often overlooked in Korea. Particularly, dividend policy need to be careful consideration due to being related in investment planning and financial structure. Therefore, from theoretical parts on dividend, we report the factors affecting dividend policy in priority with several cases, and then discuss about problems of procedures for dividend
    2011-12-12 | 2,000원 | 49p | 배당정책 투자론 영문 영향 요인   [투자론] 배당정책에 영향을 미치는 요인(영문)
  • 희망온돌프로젝트 정책 분석(영문)
    policies in former governments, however, Kim DaeJoong government make real change by positive welfare. Civil organizations greatly developed, presented issues about social welfare, and suggest policy alternatives actively. The development of civic groups be a most important part of new governance welfare system. Ondol welfare project, would be described later, is the network system that makes Se
    2014-12-16 | 1,700원 | 17p | 희망 마차 온돌 정책 희망마차service 분석   희망온돌프로젝트 정책 분석(영문)
  • [행정학] 장애인 고용정책 평가(영문)
    1) The actual condition of prior entry discrimination in labor market With the prior entry discrimination in labor market, there are trends that disabled people are recognized as the different people by social structural problem. That's why disabled people are distinguished from the main stream and they are likely to be seen inferior than common people. According to , the attitud
    2011-11-21 | 1,400원 | 14p | 고용정책 장애인 장애 고용 정책   [행정학] 장애인 고용정책 평가(영문)
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