  • 오발탄 닳아지는 살들
    오발탄 닳아지는살들. 2010 :: 문학과사회 3조 01. 두작품의 사회적 배경 02.인물분석 03. 토론주제 04. 토론내용 Contents 오발탄-등장인물 닳아지는 살들-등장인물 토론주제 토론내용 오발탄 엄마 영호 아내 철호 등장인물
    2016-04-16 | 800원 | 10p | 오발탄 닳아지는 살들
  • 영문 Intermission 인터미션 영화 대사
    Intermission Script Oh, yeah. Ive been round the block. Really? - Believe it. Sowed me oats. Acted the rip, the rapscallion. Ran wild, ran free. Of course, this all back in the days of yore. Right. You wouldnt think it to look at you. Yeah, well, time comes, you have to leave behind the old hell-raising. Take some responsibility for your life. Prepare the groundwork. - How do you do that? Well, t
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 인터미션   영문 Intermission 인터미션 영화 대사
  • 영문 Mannequin 마네킹 영화 대사
    Mannequin Script Ema Hesire, I know youre in there. The wedding has been all arranged. Please, gods. Please get me out of this. You turned down the jeweler. You turned down the grain merchant. You turned down the Pharaohs food taster. Theres only one man left wholl have you: Youll marry Hazzi-Ra. So what does he do? Hes a fuel merchant. -Mother. -All right, so he sells camel dung. -Forget it. -Yo
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 마네킹   영문 Mannequin 마네킹 영화 대사
  • 영문 Anastasia 아나스타샤 영화 대사
    Anastasia FADE IN: on a well-worn PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM. An ELDERLY WOMANS HAND touched the album, caressing it lovingly for a moment, as WE HEAR her voice. TATIANA (O.C.) Once we lived in an enchanted world. . . She opened the ALBUM to reveal a BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOGRAPH of the PALACE AT ST. PETERSBERG on a brilliant summer day. TATIANA (CONT) A world of Tsars and Princesses and elegant palaces. . .
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 아나스타샤   영문 Anastasia 아나스타샤 영화 대사
  • 영문 REINDEER GAMES 레인디어 게임 영화 대사
    REINDEER GAMES by Ehren Kruger FADE IN: A FIGURE IN A SANTA CLAUS SUIT lies face-down in a nighttime expanse of snow. One of the bodys red-sleeved arms is twisted at a sickening angle. The white snow beneath the figure is spreading with red. REVEAL EXT. SNOWY ROAD - NIGHT The figure in the suit lies motionless. Snowflakes drift. INT. HALLWAY - NIGHT Dark, rustic wood, an office with broken window
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 게임 영문 레인디어   영문 REINDEER GAMES 레인디어 게임 영화 대사
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