  • 영문 THE GREENMILE 그린마일 영화 대사
    snagged in the nettles, fluttering languidly... ?? COLOR BLEEDS SLOWLY IN as mosquitoes swarm and dragonflies skitter, showing the fabric scrap to be pale yellow... ?? Suddenly, a MAN WITH A SHOTGUN comes crashing through the cattails, wiping through frame and exiting... ?? ...then ANOTHER MAN...and ANOTHER...armed with rifles, plowing through the brush, exiting frame... ?? ...and now comes KLAUS
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 마일 그린 그린마 그린마일   영문 THE GREENMILE 그린마일 영화 대사
  • 영문 UTurn 영화 대사
    snags an intestine and tugs a few feet of it out of the carcass. In the distance, where a long, dusty road meets the horizon, a small shape appears -- a Sixty-four-and-a-half Mustang convertible, its top down. Its candy-apple red burns like a brilliant fireball under the sun. As the car drifts closer, we see steam escaping from under the hood. Sammi Smiths "Please Help Me Get Through The Night" p
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문   영문 UTurn 영화 대사
  • 영문 파이트 클럽 Fight Club 영화 대사
    snags. Your itinerary... Jack hides a yawn, pretends to listen. INT. BATHROOM - JACKS CONDO - NIGHT Jack sits on the toilet, CORDLESS PHONE to his ear, flips through an IKEA catalog. Theres a stack of old Playboy magazines and other catalogs nearby. JACK (V.O.) Like everyone else, I had become a slave to the IKEA nesting instinct. JACK (into phone) Yes. Id like to order the Erika Pekkari slip cov
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 클럽 파이트   영문 파이트 클럽 Fight Club 영화 대사
  • 영문 Legally Blonde 금발이 너무해 영화 대사
    snag the fabric. And you didnt just get it in. I saw it in the June Vogue a year ago. So if youre trying to sell it for full price... you picked the wrong girl. Girls, this is it. In a few hours... Ill be the future Mrs. Warner Huntington III. Wow. You look so beautiful. So do you. Lets get out of here. Must be strange having such perfect eyes. God, youre so wonderful. Elle, thank you. Heres to u
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 71p | 영문 금발   영문 Legally Blonde 금발이 너무해 영화 대사
  • 영문 NoWay Back 노 웨이 백 영화 대사
    snag something. Even an old geezer like you. Shut your mouth, Victor. Im not an old geezer. Youll be eating fresh meat for a month. I hate the way fish smells. I hate the way it smells too, but well just box up what we catch... ...and ship it back. Im pretty good at crating things up. Sure. Maybe next time you should just belt him. Hey, look, you do things your way. Subtletys not my style. Who do
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 웨이   영문 NoWay Back 노 웨이 백 영화 대사
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