  • [PBL] 약물중독 레포트
    failure) - 용혈 (hemolysis) - 범발성 혈관내 응고장애 (disseminated intravascular coagulation) 등 3. Possible diagnosis - 빙초산 중독 4. Treatment of choice 1) 용혈, 응고장애 등 전신 증상에 초점을 맞춰 치료, symptomatic treatment 병행함 - 혈액투석(Hemodialysis): 가장 먼저 시행, 바로 효과를 볼 수 있음 -> metabolic acidosis, renal
    2010-10-01 | 800원 | 4p | 약물중독 PBL 약물 중독   [PBL] 약물중독 레포트
  • [치과치료] One-visit Endodontics and Laminate 라미네이트
    04. The incidence of failure following single-visit endodontic therapy Richard B.Pekruhn. J Endod 12:68-72. 1986 Introduction - Single-visit 근관 치료와 multiple-visit 근관 치료사이의 실패율 유의차 없음 - Single-visit 근관 치료는 다음 세 가지로 분류 ① 초기접근, 근관 형성, 근관충전이 single-visit 근관 치료로 완료 ② 통증
    2011-07-29 | 2,100원 | 22p | 치과콩 visit Onevisit 라미네이트   [치과치료] One-visit Endodontics and Laminate 라미네이트
  • [의학] 신장내과 PBL
    lost fluid의 조성을 따라야 한다. - Severe hypovolemia due to hemorrhage: corrected with packed red blood cells - Mild to moderate hemorrhage or plasma loss (e.g., burns, pancreatitis): isotonic saline - Urinary and gastrointestinal fluids loss: hypotonic solutions (e.g., 0.45% saline) - Isotonic saline may be more appropriate in severe prerenal ARF cases. : Fluid replaceme
    2011-01-25 | 1,400원 | 11p | 신장내과 내과 신장 PBL 의학   [의학] 신장내과 PBL
  • [의약] CYSTOTOMY 방광절개술
    Definition Cystotomy is a surgical incision into the urinary bladder Purpose Removal of cystic and urethral calculi Identification and biopsy of masses Repair of ectopic ureters Evaluation of urinary tract infection resistant to treatment SURGICAL ANATOMY Structure (1) Apex : vertex (cranial portion) (2) Body (midportion) (3) Neck : vesicourethral junction (caudal) (4) Trigo
    2018-08-29 | 3,500원 | 41p | 방광절개술 방광 절개술   [의약] CYSTOTOMY 방광절개술
  • Feline Ascites 레포트
    1. Animal Information Patient Name : 뭉치 Species : Feline Breed :Turkish Angora Age : 9 years 10 months Sex : Castrated Male 2. History 2014. 5. 13 Anorexia, Ascites, Depression Protein losing enteropathy FIP : Negative FeLV/FIV : Negative 2014. 5. 27 Refer to JEJU National University Veterinary Teaching Hospital Vomiting
    2018-05-17 | 2,800원 | 25p | 뭉치   Feline Ascites 레포트
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