  • [경영학] 명품 브랜드 코치 Coach Inc 사업전략(영문)
    to closely look at what celebrities carry rather than how their pants look like at red carpet. With the rich distribution channel, consumer perception on luxury handbags has been changed. As handbags are now viewed as fashion statements, female consumers are willing to pay big dollars to get the latest ones. The growth of the luxury market is spurred by consumers wanting authentic feelings stemmi
    2010-12-07 | 2,300원 | 22p | 사업전략 Inc 브랜드 명품 코치   [경영학] 명품 브랜드 코치 Coach Inc 사업전략(영문)
  • [식품마케팅] 한국 식품 제조업체의 마케팅 전략 사례(영문)-크라운 베이커리, 하이트, 남양, 국순당, 농심
    to respond to the increasing interest in health, Namyang started to release 'delicious milk - organic', 'VIP vitamin milk'. Even when we look only at milk production, Namyang produces various kinds of milk. Product1. - "delicious milk' delicious milk - non calorie delicious milk - high calcium delicious milk- premium Product2 "Einstein milk"
    2011-09-21 | 1,400원 | 11p | 마케팅 식품마케팅 제조업체 식품 크라운   [식품마케팅] 한국 식품 제조업체의 마케팅 전략 사례(영문)-크라운 베이커리, 하이트, 남양, 국순당, 농심
  • [국제산업] 미국의 골프산업(U.S. Golf Industry)(영문)
    to find other ways of differentiation. Since USGA was not so restrictive on other things such as shafts and grips, companies started to develop shafts with various launch characteristics. Interchangeable shafts enabled the variation. Also, golfers—especially core golfers—are willing to pay more to extend their driving distance and to improve their own scores. They prefer not only well
    2010-11-09 | 1,700원 | 18p | 산업 영문 골프산업 국제산업 골프 국제   [국제산업] 미국의 골프산업(U.S. Golf Industry)(영문)
  • 이랜드 스파오(SPAO) 마케팅전략
    to Western sizes, SPAO designs its clothes to better suit the Korean body shape. Therefore, SPAO eliminates the size problem such as sleeves too long, pants too long or shoulders too wide. The second value proposition of SPAO is high quality material. In order to maintain high quality, SPAO uses only premium quality materials for its clothing such as wool made in Australia and the best quality co
    2010-08-20 | 1,400원 | 17p | 마케팅전략 이랜드 스파오 SPAO 마케팅   이랜드 스파오(SPAO) 마케팅전략
  • [경영전략] 미국의 골프 산업에 대하여
    3. Expanding Investment on Endorsement with Tour Professionals Because it became difficult to diversify products due to regulations, golf equipment manufacturers relied more on endorsements of famous touring professionals. As the number of people interested in recreational golf boosted after Tiger Woods’s appearance in 1995, the number of people exposed to golf broadcasting or golf magazines
    2010-10-01 | 1,700원 | 18p | 경영전략 골프 경영 전략 산업   [경영전략] 미국의 골프 산업에 대하여
  • 서식
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