  • 암의 한의학적 치료 유방암중심
    Effects of a cognitive-behavioral nursing intervention on anxiety and depression in women with breast cancer undergoing radiotherapy. J Korean Acad Nurs. 2009 ; 39(2) : 157-65. , 이러한 추세는 발병 연령을 점차 낮추는 상황까지 초래하여 급기야 호발 연령이 서양에 비해 더 낮아지게 되었다 Yu J, Hwang I. The proper aproaches for breast disease. Korean J Obst
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  • Cell protective effect of Chromium in INS-1 cell to glucotoxicity
    5. CrCl3에 의한 Insulin 분비능 11 mM glucose를 처리한 군에서 insulin secretion은 25 mM glucose 자극에 대해 131% 증가했다. 33 mM glucose를 처리한 군에서는 동일한 자극에 대해 20 %의 증가를 보였고 CrCl3를 첨가한 군에서는 6 %의 증가치를 보였다. Fig. 5. 33 mM-induced cytotoxicity in INS-1 cells. INS-1 cells exposed to various concent
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  • [분자생물학] G-CSF
    Development background 2. History of development 1960s Discovery of colony-stimulating factors (CSF) 1980s GM-CSF, M-CSF, G-CSF and multi-CSF The human G-CSF was cloned Usage for the treatment at first 1990s first approval of Filgrastim by the US Food and Drug Administration Launched Lenograstim 2000s Launched PEG-filgrastim
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