  • 인도네시아의 정치(영문)
    Legislative, Judicial (중략) Reformation Era Pro-democracy Movement Economic crisis and Suharto’s resignation - East Asian Financial Crisis (97 - 98) --- --- Indonesian 1998 Revolution Politics Since 1998 The people’s Consultative Assembly (MPR), Elected Wahid as the president (October 1999) First direct Presidential election in 2004, elected Yudhoyono as president
    2014-09-04 | 1,900원 | 32p | 영문 정치 인도네시아   인도네시아의 정치(영문)
  • 브라질 역사와 문화(영문)
    autonomous administrations, collect their own taxes and receive a share of taxes collected by the Federal government. They have a governor and a unicameral legislative body elected directly by their voters. They also have independent Courts of Law for common justice. Despite this, states have much less autonomy to create their own laws than in the United States. For example, criminal and civil la
    2011-09-30 | 1,400원 | 13p | 브라질 문화 영문 역사   브라질 역사와 문화(영문)
  • 명예 살인(영문)
    (3) A fault of existing law Are ‘honor killings’ condoned by the state? Yes. In some countries, ‘honor killings’ are considered murders, and perpetrators are punished according to the penal codes regarding murder. However, in many countries, national legislation legitimizes the killing of women by their relatives. Furthermore, certain laws even provide additional incentives for mal
    2011-02-18 | 1,400원 | 12p | 명예 살인 영문   명예 살인(영문)
  • [정책학] 새만금사업 초기 동원형과 후기 내부접근형
    autonomous entity required the enactment of “Saemangeum special law”, each region asked the deregulation. For example, 경상남도·부산시·전라남도 urged the enactment of “남해안 발전 special law” to the government. 경남도민일보 2006년 11월 6일자 기사 Proposers don't want that political issues are placed on public agenda. Instead, they pursue more private d
    2010-08-31 | 1,400원 | 15p | 내부접근 새만금 정책학 사업 후기   [정책학] 새만금사업 초기 동원형과 후기 내부접근형
  • HR systems and practices of PwC Samil
    legislated to regulate the job. There are Standards such as IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standard) and ISA (International Standard of Auditing) which all auditing firms should follow (In Korea the K-GAAP and the K-GAAS were doing that role). These could be considered as ‘job descriptions’ written in a general level. Deviating from these Standards caused great social cost, making le
    2010-07-14 | 1,200원 | 11p | HR PwC systems   HR systems and practices of PwC Samil
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