  • [심리학]심리학의 애착이론
    The Origins Of Attachment Theory : John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth John Bowlby는 아동이 엄마에게 붙어있으려고 하는 것과 엄마로부터의 격리(separation), 박탈(deprivation), 사별(bereavement)을 통한 아동의 혼란에 대한 우리의 생각에 큰 영향을 끼쳤고, 성격발달에 있어서 초기의 가족관계가 어떤 영향을 끼치는지 연구하였다
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  • A Rose for Emily
    A Rose for Emily Contents 1. Author - William Faulkner 2. Summary of "A Rose for Emily" 3. Background of " A Rose for Emily" 4. Character Analysis Based on 몷A Rose for Emily몸 5. Speculations 6. Critical Essay 1. Author : William Faulkner William Faulkner was born in 1897 from an old southern family and grew in Oxford, Mississippi. He joined the Canadian and the British, Royal Air Force duri
    2016-04-16 | 1,000원 | 14p | A Rose for Emily
  • Other plays of Eugene O’Neill
    Other plays of Eugene O몶Neill Short Plays (one-act play) His most-distinguished short plays include the four early sea plays, Bound East for Cardiff, In the Zone, The Long Voyage Home, and The Moon of the Caribbees, which were written between 1913 and 1917 and produced in 1924 under the overall title S.S. Glencairn; The Emperor Jones (about the disintegration of a Pullman porter turned tropi
    2016-01-05 | 800원 | 18p | Other plays of Eugene O’Neill
  • 영문 SCREAM3 스크림 3 영화 대사
    SCREAM 3 EHREN KRUGER 2nd DRAFT - REVISED MAY 2, 1999 FADE IN: A big dramatic crescendo as we -- OPEN ON: EXT. HOLLYWOOD FREEWAY - SUNSET - AERIAL Friday night traffic as usual. Things appear to be backed up all the way to the valley. A cacophony of car horns rise up on the soundtrack as we slowly DISSOLVE INTO: INT. FORD EXPLORER - NIGHT A new 99 Explorer sits in the midst of the gridlock. Beh
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 스크림   영문 SCREAM3 스크림 3 영화 대사
  • 영문 GONEIN60 SECONDS 식스티 세컨즈 영화 대사
    GONE IN 60 SECONDS by Scott Rosenberg 4/6/99 "I wonder," Toad said to himself presently, "I wonder if this sort of car starts easily?" Next moment, hardly knowing how it came about, he found that he had hold of the handle and was turning it. As the familiar sound broke forth, the old passion seized on Toad and completely mastered him, body and soul ... He increased his pace, and as the car devour
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 세컨즈 식스티   영문 GONEIN60 SECONDS 식스티 세컨즈 영화 대사
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