  • 유로존의 경제위기와 발전(영문)
    1. Introduction In 1999, the euro was introduced with the interests and expectations of the people around the world. Euro gave a many economic, social benefits to euro using countries as expected . With Euro's social, economic, status rising, many countries wanted to join the eurozone. Euro using countries had risen to 17 countries from 12 countries in 14 years. But high euro’s status began t
    2013-11-18 | 2,500원 | 23p | 유로존 발전 영문 경제위기 경제 위기   유로존의 경제위기와 발전(영문)
  • A&F 아베크롬비 경영전략
    Focused on mainly on operational issues Re-investing in its stores Broadening its merchandising and design groups The company’s determination to keep prices high Global sourcing strategy Vendors in 37 countries from 258 factories and suppliers No single supplier accounted for more than 5% of company purchases Solely positioned in the clothing sector with relatively wide range of
    2011-07-29 | 2,400원 | 36p | 경영전략 아베크롬비 AF 경영 전략   A&F 아베크롬비 경영전략
  • [경제학] Animal Spirits(영문)
    The U.S government has used three types of instruments to expand credit. Method 1: The Discount Window The Federal Reserve has greatly expanded its discount operations. the Term Auction Facility the term asset-backed loan facility. Method 1: The Discount Window Although the TALF would seem to be the method of relief involving the least expenditure of federal money and also the least dir
    2011-02-14 | 1,400원 | 16p | Animal Spirits 경제학 영문   [경제학] Animal Spirits(영문)
  • Foreign debt 외채문제
    determine whether the borrowed resources are being used to improve the country’s production capacity so that future obligations are serviced. There is no rule of thumb for determining whether a country’s debt level is sustainable. For an accurate projection on debt sustainability, several indicators should be assessed simultaneously in a forward-looking way. It should be noted, also, that
    2010-08-27 | 2,800원 | 34p | 외채문제 debt Foreign 외채 문제   Foreign debt 외채문제
  • 경제학원론 부교재 Summary
    Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole, and is concerned with aggregates. 거시경제학은 총체적인 것에 대해 관심을 가지며 경제 전체적으로 연구하는 것이다. 4. Economists often disagree, but they do agree on a large body of economic theory. 경제가들은 종종 동의하지 않는다. 그러나 그들은 경제 이론의 많은 수(부분)를 동
    2009-04-24 | 2,800원 | 47p | the of is to in and that are The by   경제학원론 부교재 Summary
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