  • 영문 THE GREENMILE 그린마일 영화 대사
    ponchos line the wall on pegs. He helps himself to one and eases outside, making good his escape. ?? EXT. NURSING HOME - ESTABLISHING - MORNING ?? Nestled in a valley of wooded hills, a drizzly mist rolling over the treetops. ?? Paul appears f.g., coming up the ridge in his borrowed poncho. He looks back at the valley below, inhales deeply-- this is a man who loves his walks. He pulls a piece of
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 마일 그린 그린마 그린마일   영문 THE GREENMILE 그린마일 영화 대사
  • [ventilation] Ventilation(환기기 간호)
    poncho chest shell이 있다. - Intubation을 필요로 하지 않는다. - 장치가 크며 시끄러우나 장기간 환기기 요법을 받아야 할 경우에 가정에서 이용될 수 있다. - 자발적 호흡에 약간의 도움을 필요로 하는 신경근육질환 환자와 같이 정상 폐를 가지고 있으면서 vital capacity가 감소된 환자에게 적합하
    2008-02-28 | 300원 | 4p | ventilation ICU 환기기 간호   [ventilation] Ventilation(환기기 간호)
  • 영문 Monkeybone 몽키본 영화 대사
    Monkeybone Script [ Squeaks ] [Cartoon Music] [ Cackling ] Back, Stanley. Youaregoingback-- back to whenitallbegan. Areyou backyet? Get back! We havent got all day! [Stanley]It was thirdgrade. The teacher was Miss Hudlapp. She waskindasquatandlumpy. Shesmelledfunny. - Butshe waskind. - Class! How many times have I told you? In this class... we do not pound ten-penny nails into Stanleys head! [Sta
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 몽키본   영문 Monkeybone 몽키본 영화 대사
  • 영문 Platoon 플래툰 영화 대사
    As the C-130 coasts to a stop, the hatch rotating down on a hot, dusty lifeless airstrip somewhere in Vietnam. Nothing seems to live or move in the midday sun. TITLES RUN A DOZEN NEW RECRUITS step off the plane, unloading their duffel bags, looking around like only the new can look around, their hair regulation-clipped, crisp, new green fatigues fitting them like cardboard. CHRIS TAYLOR is just a
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문   영문 Platoon 플래툰 영화 대사
  • 영문 Hunter 헌터 영화 대사
    "HUNTER" Written by Jim Thomas and John Thomas "HUNTER" FADE IN 1 EXT. OUTER SPACE 1 The infinite blackness punctuated by a billion stars. As we slowly DESCEND through the varied shades of blue of the Earths atmosphere, we HEAR the first strains of a haunting, Central American FLUTE, joined by a swelling background of JUNGLE SOUNDS. We descend further, through a lush JUNGLE CANOPY, backlit by a s
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문   영문 Hunter 헌터 영화 대사
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