  • 말레이시아의 발릭캄풍(Balik Kampung)에 대하여(영문)
    Authority Ranking Vertical/high-power distance collectivism Asia, Africa, Latin America Psychological relationship between the leader and all others Power and prestige Powerful leaders accepted without question Becomes exaggerated Required to take care of group members (중략) Hutang budi The person given the gift cannot refuse it, as this would involve a loss of face At t
    2014-12-22 | 3,000원 | 86p | 발릭캄풍 영문 말레이시아   말레이시아의 발릭캄풍(Balik Kampung)에 대하여(영문)
  • 스타벅스 경영전략
    -4p strategy 4p strategy includes concept of product / price / place /promotion. This strategy is made purpose to market systematically. Because Starbucks also is company, so it has 4p strategy, too. *product Starbucks pursue diversity of product. Caffe latte, cappuccino, Americano, etc. starbucks sells more than 20 kinds of coffee. And because it sells goods like mug cup, it became to sell s
    2010-10-01 | 1,400원 | 11p | is it coffee   스타벅스 경영전략
  • [영작/영어/영어작문] 도시사람들이 귀농을 하는 이유
    Nowadays, there are many people who are suffered from looking for their job. Also, it is hard to earn money from their work easily. So, rural technology may have been heard to this people more attractively. Moreover, people who want to return to farming are most less than 30-years-old. As a result, it reflects other side differs from past when people want to return to farming. Because people who
    2018-03-26 | 1,000원 | 1p | 영작 영어 영어발표 귀농 귀촌   [영작/영어/영어작문] 도시사람들이 귀농을 하는 이유
  • 명예 살인(영문)
    returned to Saudi Arabia, they would be killed. British court decided to take it, so they give them refugee position. Honor killing is not just limited to Islamic country. The victim immigrated to the United Kingdom at 10 years old. She married with the male who was appointed by her father, but she could no longer endure her husband's abuses and asked for a divorce. After divorce, she went out
    2011-02-18 | 1,400원 | 12p | 명예 살인 영문   명예 살인(영문)
    returned to the city and had to find work. During the mid-1990s the dramatic acceleration of labor reforms began with the determination of tackle the problem of overmanning in SOEs. New categories of workers : the “surplus worker” and subsequently, “off-post” or “laid-off” (xiagang) worker. WHAT is 下 Xiagang ? The Chinese language xiagang means “not on sentry duty” but the word
    2016-04-16 | 1,000원 | 51p | CHINESEE CONOMY
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