  • 영문 Aliens2 에이리언 2 영화 대사
    shower into the room. A second torch cuts through. They move with machine precision, cutting a rectangular path, converging. The torches meet. Cut off. The door falls inward REVEALING a bizarre multi-armed figure. A ROBOT WELDER. FIGURES ENTER, backlit and ominous. THREE MEN in bio-isolation suits, carrying lights and equipment. They approach a sarcophagus-like HYPERSLEEP CAPSULE, f.g. LEADER
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 에이리언   영문 Aliens2 에이리언 2 영화 대사
  • [의학과][비뇨기과] Cryptorchidism
    Movement occurs in two phases The first phase entrance of the inguinal canal controlled by anti-müllerian hormone The second phase testes move through the inguinal canal into the scrotum dependent on androgens With inguinal testes, further descent occurs in first 6 months of life Due to postnatal surge of gonadotropin and testosterone Most full-term infant boys: idiopathic
    2010-10-20 | 1,600원 | 12p | more testes   [의학과][비뇨기과] Cryptorchidism
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