  • 영문 UTurn 영화 대사
    steam escaping from under the hood. Sammi Smiths "Please Help Me Get Through The Night" plays on the cars radio. INT. BOBBY COOPERS MUSTANG - DAY At the wheel, ignoring impending disaster, BOBBY COOPER, young, good-looking, fiddles with the RADIO dial, annoyed only to find country stations. Hes been driving since noon yesterday and it shows -- along with a heavily-bandaged left hand resting on th
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문   영문 UTurn 영화 대사
  • 영문 HUDSON HAWK 허드슨 호크 영화 대사
    Steam escapes upwards. The machine immediately slows down. Da Vinci oh-so-gently coughs and moves for- ward with tongs. A LITTLE TROUGH - IN THE MACHINES INNARDS comes to a trembling, mystical halt. Right behind this trough is a CONPLEX POLYHEDRON CRYSTAL as intricately modulated as any Rubik stocking stuffer, but much more dazzling in beauty. It gleams like a jewel in the yellow glow which pours
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 호크   영문 HUDSON HAWK 허드슨 호크 영화 대사
  • 영문 KINGKONG 킹콩 영화 대사
    simultaneously - 18 MACHINE GUNS send yellow TRACER BULLETS ripping into the German planes. Within seconds, 3 ALBATROS are destroyed! One spins away in flames, another literally collapses under a hail of bullets and the third collides with one of the BOMBERS, causing both planes to tumble out of the sky. Its a turkey shoot as the CAMELS fly through the German formation, turning sharply to attack
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 킹콩   영문 KINGKONG 킹콩 영화 대사
  • 영문 Batman and Robin 배트맨과 로빈 영화 대사
    state-of-the-art computing systems flash. Surveillance screens monitor news and police FREQUENCIES. Crimes worst nightmare. Batman strides towards the rising steam-obscured pedestal which bears the sleek, redesigned Batmobile. ROBIN appears in the door of his costume vault, dressed in the black and red of his Nightwing costume. Two dark avengers stand suited, ready to take back the night.
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 로빈 영문 배트맨   영문 Batman and Robin 배트맨과 로빈 영화 대사
  • 영문 Armageddon 아마겟돈 영화 대사
    Blackness. Then a hint of green becomes EARTH. It lies across an expanse of space. Richly colored. Fertile. A GIGANTIC ASTEROID cuts into frame, Burning into EARTHS ATMOSPHERE and striking down in the currant area of Guzumel, Mexico. Voice : An impact equivalent to ten thousand nuclear weapons detonating simultaneously. A HUGE DINOSAUR FOOT steps down hard and is VAPORIZED with a deafening ROAR.
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 영문 아마겟돈   영문 Armageddon 아마겟돈 영화 대사
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