  • 식이장애 레포트
    disorders 3) Medical complications - 반복된 구토로 인해 : skin irritation around the mouth, blockage of salivary ducts, decay of tooth enamel & dental cavities, damage taste receptors on the palate, less sensitive to the taste - Abdominal pain, hiatal hernia, other abdominal pain - Pancreatitis (inflammation) - Disturbed menstrual function: 보통 여성보다 more 50%/ amenorrhea
    2010-02-24 | 1,400원 | 13p | of 수면 sleep and 체중 장애 동안 Obesity fat   식이장애 레포트
  • Hybrid scaffold for skin regeneration(영문)
    skin Composed of collagen with elastin and glycosaminoglycans (GAG’s) major role in the biomechanics of the skin Hypodermis Adipose tissue (vascularized, connective tissue) Contributes to both the thermoregulatory Shook absorber and insulator. Contains larger blood vessels and nerves than those found in the dermis Burn 2nd degree Damage in epidermis and p
    2010-07-20 | 2,100원 | 28p | skin scaffold Hybrid regeneration   Hybrid scaffold for skin regeneration(영문)
  • [사회복지] adhd 레포트
    Damage), 미소뇌기능장애(Minimal Brain Dysfunction), 미소 대뇌 기능장애(Minimal Cerebral Dysfunction), 발달학적 과잉행동(Developmental Hyperactivity)라고 명명. ◆ 1968년☞ DSM-Ⅱ에서 과잉운동반응(Hyperkinetic Reaction), 과잉운동충동장애(Hyperkinetic Impulse Disorder)라고 명명. ◆ 1980년 경☞ DSM-Ⅲ에서 처음으로 주의력 결
    2017-11-27 | 1,000원 | 14p | 찡 사회복지 복지 사회 길   [사회복지] adhd 레포트
  • Skin Cancer(피부암) 치료와 예방
    STEP1: ABOUT SKIN CANCER Cause of cancer _ 2 cases 1.Cell growth doesn’t stop 2.Disorder of apoptosis p53 : Tumor repressor gene P53 : transcription factor Functions -p53 are that first arrest cell cycle so control cell growth, also active apoptosis suicide program P53 mutation ->p53 sytem breaks down, it can’t act as Transcriptor factor-> generating tumor
    2013-11-18 | 1,500원 | 22p | is cell   Skin Cancer(피부암) 치료와 예방
  • [약리학] UV Radiation
    비효소성 ascorbic acid tocopherol ubiquinol glutathione 효소성 catalase SOD glutathione peroxidase glutathione reductase # ROS - MMPs inhibitor 불활성화 - MMPs 합성 & 활성화 유도 UVA H2O2 MMPs-1,2,3,9 유도 UVB OH∙ MMPs-1,3,9 유도 태양이 강하게 내리쬐는 시간 (오전 11시~오후1시)에는
    2010-06-10 | 2,800원 | 36p | UV MMPs glutathione 영향   [약리학] UV Radiation
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