  • [마케팅] Or.an.Ge & T.A.C 마케팅(영문)
    the target customers Segment Age Profession Characteristics 1 20-25 University students - Especially, freshmen & discharged soldiers are interested in their appearance - Most of them are tech-savvy, using the Internet and other technological devices on regular bases. - Because of their lack of social confidence, they have high interests in their appearance and are sensitive about other peo
    2010-06-10 | 1,400원 | 13p | 마케팅 영문   [마케팅] Or.an.Ge & T.A.C 마케팅(영문)
  • [생산운영관리] 유니클로 SCM, TCM, SPA system(영문)
    item more than 100million. So they can reduce their cost even if they use a high-grade fabric such as cashmere or cotton. Then HOW did UNIQLO solve the "quality" problems ? People have some fixed ideas that products made in china are low in quality. To break this idea, UNIQLO rebased about 50 standards of checking the quality. If even few of them are not satisfied, they are managing to correct t
    2010-06-29 | 1,400원 | 11p | UNIQLO   [생산운영관리] 유니클로 SCM, TCM, SPA system(영문)
  • 대학내 외식 산업이 구내식당에 미치는 영향 연구(영문)
    the new semester'(Table 2), Items for which they feel the most inflation> it turned out that they feel the most inflation in the 'food expenses' item(40.8%) which took the top area for 2 years in a row from the last year(52.3%). The main reason why they show such sensitive responses like this is that food expenses account for a significant amount of their entire consumption-exp
    2017-11-17 | 5,000원 | 42p | 외식 구내식당 산업 연구 영문 구내   대학내 외식 산업이 구내식당에 미치는 영향 연구(영문)
  • [경영학] 명품 브랜드 코치 Coach Inc 사업전략(영문)
    the new item is almost the same. Also women use handbags to show off themselves especially when it is luxurious brand, believing that handbags have symbolic meaning of showing their values. Like this, handbags are very meaningful item to women. Yet, there is a difference that the makers of ladies handbags should focus according to the level of handbags. Largely, it can be divided into luxury and
    2010-12-07 | 2,300원 | 22p | 사업전략 Inc 브랜드 명품 코치   [경영학] 명품 브랜드 코치 Coach Inc 사업전략(영문)
  • [경영] 항공 산업 재무 분석-델타 항공과 하와이 홀딩스(영문)
    the airline industry generally. According the CNN take about the safest airlines, we know that commercial aviation is one of the most heavily monitored industries in the world and statistically the much-cited comparison bears out: you are much less likely to die in an airplane crash than in a car accident. Moreover, in these days, for safety sensitive to the social atmosphere, the safety is
    2018-08-29 | 5,000원 | 53p | 항공 델타 산업 재무 홀딩스 경영   [경영] 항공 산업 재무 분석-델타 항공과 하와이 홀딩스(영문)
  • 서식
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