  • 식이장애 레포트
    diarrhea, laxative dependency (정상기능의 불가 without laxatives, lose bowel’s reflexive eliminatory response) - Large quantities of salty food -> convulsions, swelling - Potassium deficiency -> muscular weakness, cardiac irregularities, death 4. Cause of Anorexia and Bulimia 1) Sociocultural factors - 사회적 압박, 기대 - Peer pressure (bulimia 여성) - Media image of u
    2010-02-24 | 1,400원 | 13p | of 수면 sleep and 체중 장애 동안 Obesity fat   식이장애 레포트
  • 아동간호학-위장염 케이스입니다^^
    Ⅰ. 환자의 프로파일 1. 이름: 최OO 2. 생일: 2007년 6월 22일(23개월) 3. 성별: Female 4. 의학적 진단: Other and unspecified gastroenteritis and colitis of orgin 5. 입원 일수: 2009년 5월 22일 6. 입원 경위: 내원 당일 Vomiting(#8, postprandial, projectile, not bloody, not bilous), Diarrhea(#1, large watery, not mucoid, not bloody)가 develop되어 ER을
    2009-11-28 | 1,300원 | 9p | 장염 위장염 소아 아동 아동간호 아동간호학 케이스   아동간호학-위장염 케이스입니다^^
  • [간호학] 대장염
    1. 대장염 1) 정의 - an inflammation of the colon - an inflammation of the large intestine대장 (colon잘록창자, caecum막창자 and rectum곧창자) 2) signs and symptoms ① Symptoms (증상) - abdominal pain, loss of appetite, fatigue, diarrhea, cramping, urgency and bloating ② Signs (징후) - abdominal tenderness, weight loss, changes in bowel habits (increased frequency)
    2013-04-11 | 1,200원 | 7p | 대장염 colitis 감염성   [간호학] 대장염
  • Dysentery
    Dysentery General Information Dysentery - dysentery is general term for a group of diseases which trigger inflammation of the large intestines, leading to stomach pains, and diarrhea, and possibly vomiting and fever Causes contaminated food or water physical contact with a person who has already been infected Causes Shigella dysenteriae type 1 severe form of the disease known as epidemic dy
    2016-01-05 | 800원 | 14p | Dysentery
  • 영문 Max 맥스 영화 대사
    diarrhea lll take a shit on a canvas and bring it round to you, huh? You could do worse. l certainly wouldnt reject it out of hand, lm open to everything. Would you like a cigarette? They give you cancer of the lung. Are you a doctor?. Hello, darling. Liselore von Peltz, this is Corporal-- Hitler. Adolf Hitler. Hello. Thank you for coming. - ls she your wife? - My wifes inside. - Youre a funny on
    2015-06-27 | 1,000원 | 100p | 맥스 영문   영문 Max 맥스 영화 대사
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